Chapter 7

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I laid in the king sized hotel bed, just staring at the ceiling.

'Is what Bella said true? Did i really deserve them? Were they just keeping me as a snack? Did they make a mistake in thinking I'm their mate?'

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

'She is right. . . I'm ugly. I have never been that pretty. . . Why would they want me?'

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"My Queen, someone is here to see you" i heard Demetri say.

I walked to the door and opened it to reveal Demetri and. . .

"Marcus!" I yelled and ran to him.

He held his arms out to me as i slammed my body in to his.

"Hello my dear"

"But i don't understand. Why are you here?" I asked as i hugged him tightly.

"We felt you become sad through the bond and Demetri told us that he felt one of us needed to be here. He did not say the reason for your sadness as he wanted to respect your privacy" he told me.

I pulled back and looked at Demetri and sent him a grateful smile, who smiled back then disappeared.

"Well come in" i said as i walked back in to my room.

Marcus followed and i shut the door.

"Would you tell me why you were so upset, my dear?" He asked as he sat on the couch.

Marcus seemed like the most level headed of the three but i haven't seen him angry.

"Well" i started while sitting next to him. "My sister and i just had a little argument. I tried to tell her that i just wanted to say goodbye and she didn't really want to hear it"

"Is there anything else?"

"Well. . . She ummm. . . She asked me if i thought i deserved to be mated to you, she called me stupid, navie and ugly. She told me i wouldn't bring anything to the vampire world and you will just suck me dry" i told him as kept looking at my lap.

"I see. . . Excuse me a moment" he said as he got up.

I looked at him to see he pulled his phone out and was dialing someone.

He put it to his ear and in a matter of seconds he was talking in Italian to someone.

I could hear the person on the other end start to raise their voice. It sounded like. . . Aro.

'Oh god. He told them. That means Bella is going to get in trouble. I knew i should have kept my mouth shut'

I got off the couch and ran to Marcus and started tugging on his arm.

"Please, please, don't hurt Bella. I'm sure she didn't mean it" i begged.

He looked at me for a moment with a blank expression before saying something else in to the phone then hanging up.

"My dear, I'm going to tell you something and i want you to remember this. Nothing that we three say to you is a lie" he said as he sat me down on the couch and knelt in front of me. "Allison, you are the most beautiful person, inside and out, that i have ever meet. I know you love your sister dearly but she doesn't care about you. You don't need to deal with that, love. I'm not saying to remove her from your life but stop defending her. I can see how much she has hurt you and it makes me so upset. I know you are kindhearted person but put your happiness first ok? We only want what is best for you Allison and we will stand by you no matter what"

I sat in silence the whole time. I was nearly brought to tears as that was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. But there was still one thing i needed to know.

"Y-you promise you will never lie to me?"


"Can you mistake your mate for a snack?"

He was shocked in to silence by my question.

"No, a blood singer can be mistaken as a mate if both parties have feeling to each other, but a true mate can not be mistaken. We sense it deep in our souls. You are our light, our reason for living, our true love"

That was all i need to hear.

I threw my arms around his neck and smashed my lips on to his.


Sorry for the late update.

Next chapter will have some steamy time.

I'm thinking of doing another volturi book where the reader is a baby and is mated to the gaurd and the kings and grows up with them.


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