Chapter 12

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Allison pov

"Remind me why we are here again? They left you with a broken person that probably treated you like crap and more then likely blamed you for Edward leaving" Kate asked as we pulled in to the driveway of the Cullen's house.

Marcus had called Carlisle yesterday to let them know we were coming. Currently Marcus, Kate and I are sitting in a expensive car that the Volturi had rented. Marcus and I are sitting in the back-seat while Kate was in the passenger seat and Felix was driving. Alec, Jane and Demetri had gone ahead of us.

"I still want to say goodbye. Bella is in a relationship with their son and he is part of the family" I said as I held on to Marcus hand. He had expressed his dislike to coming here to earlier. But when he saw it wouldn't change my mind he become silent.

"If you can knock the selflessness in her down a bit I would be grateful" Kate said as she looked over the seat, to Marcus.

He just chuckled and leaned over and kiss the side of my head.

The car come to a stop at the bottom of a staircase that lead to the Cullen's house.

Felix was out the car and opening the car door for Kate before either of us had taken of our seatbelts.

Marcus's and my car door opened and I looked to Demetri opening mine and Jane opening his. I smiled as I unbuckle myself and climbed out.

"Thank you, Demetri" I smiled at him.

"Anytime my Queen"

Marcus vamped over to my side once he was out and linked his arm with mine. I smiled up at him and leaned on his arm. I was glad he was here cause I don't think I could do this on my own.

We made our way up the stairs and reached the door at the same time that Carlisle opened it.

"Welcome Marcus, my Queen" he said as he opened the door wider and stepped back to let us in.

"It is wonderful to see you again, Carlisle" Marcus politely said but I could tell by the way he pulled me closer to him that he didn't mean it.

"Always a pleasure. Welcome Demetri, Jane, Alec, Felix and. . . I'm sorry miss I don't believe we have meet" Carlisle said as he welcomed each the gaurd but stopped at my cousin, as he had not meet her yet.

"Kate Swan, Allison and Bella's cousin" she introduced as she shook his hand.

"Lovely to meet you, Kate. Marcus tells me that you wish to speak to my family, my Queen"

"Yes, and it is just Allison. Being called Queen all the time is still unnerving to me" I said. I was nervous beyond belief as the last time I was at the house, Bella had pushed me down the staircase we just walked up and the Cullen's had laughed and teased me.

Something I had not told Marcus or Kate. If they knew then there is no way that they would have never allowed me to come and I knew that Marcus would tell Aro and Caius and there would be a punishment for the Cullen's, which meant another thing my sister would hate me for.

"Please follow me" Carlisle said as he lead us up stairs and down the hall til we come to an open living area where the rest of the Cullen's family sat. The Cullen's were beautiful people and the only reason I didn't tell Marcus what they did was because they made my sister happy and that meant the world to me.

Esme got up and joined her husband in front of us.

"My dear, it is wonderful to see you again" she said kindly. I did pick up on the different vibe of the family when I entered the room. It was a mixture of guilt and sorrow.

"It is wonderful to see you to, Esme"

Marcus pulled me along as he took a seat on the red love seat a few feet away that was facing the family. Kate sat next to me and the gaurd stood close to us and watched the Cullen's movements like a hawk.

"What is it that you would like to discuss, my Queen?" Esme asked as she sat in an armchair across from us and Carlisle sat in the one next to her.

"I just wanted to say goodbye. I am moving to Italy. I know that we have not been on good terms with each other but I do consider you all family cause my sister loves you all so much and you make her happy. I'm not saying this to make you feel like the bad guys, I really so mean it. Thank you for making my sister happy and taking care of her" I said as I held on to Marcus's hand. I really just needed to know that he was there.

I heard Kate scoff next to me and shot her a warning glance. I know that she wanted to make a rude remark about them leaving me with a sister that doesn't care about my well-being but I did want to leave on some good terms with the Cullens.

"Allison, you don't have to thank us for taking care of your sister. But why do you treat us with such kindness when  we have said terrible things to go and pushing you down the stairs as well. I would hate us for it" Rosalie spoken up.

"WHAT? PUSHED DOWN THE STAIRS? ALLISON!" Kate screamed as she jumped up from her seat.

"I-i- I'm sorry. I was going to tell you but I knew that you would stop me from coming if you knew that" I tried to reason. I had felt Marcus's hand tighten on mine and I was honestly scared to look at him.

"You are damn right i would have stopped you from coming. We are leaving" she said as she grabbed my other hand and pulled me up.

"But Kate-"

"No buts. I can deal with your selflessness and forgiveness, but for them to push you down the stairs and not help you, I'm sorry, but that is something I can't let you forgive them for"

"They didn't push me down the stairs"

Kate stopped and looked at me for a few seconds as if she was calculating.

"So she did it. And what did they do?"

"... They laughed and teased me for being clumsy" I said guiltily and looked at the ground.

"Is that so? Aren't you supposed to be a doctor?"

I looked up to see her looking at Carlisle.


"And you laughed and teased a person that was pushed down the stairs before your very eyes? She could have broken a rib, got a head injury or worse, snapped her neck and died. And instead of helping her, you laughed. You should be fired and never allowed to practice medicine again because of that" Kate ranted.

"We will be in touch. I will be informing Aro and Caius on this matter when we return to Volterra tomorrow. We have been sparing because Allison loves you like family, but you have over stepped a massive line and there will be harsh punishment for this. Goodbye Cullens" Marcus said as he stood next to me and put his hand on the small of my back and pushed me forward.

The gaurd followed us out as they all sent glares to the Cullen's. I looked forward to see Kate stomping ahead of everyone. She was pissed.

I sneaked a look at Marcus and the sight broke me heart. His jaw was locked in to place with anger and his eyes had a wild fire in them.

I could feel his anger from the bond and then I realised my mistake. By trying to protect others that don't care about me, I have deeply hurt the people that do. . .

And it was all because of Bella.

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