Chapter 6

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Mature language

I stared at the brown door that had just been slammed in my face.

"Bella, please,I need to tell you something" I called through the door.

"Save it, I don't care" she called back.

"My Queen" I turned to Demetri "the Kings are calling. They can feel that you are upset" he said as he held out the phone that kept flashing with Cauis, Aro and Marcus's name on it.

"Can you please answer it? Tell them I am fine" he slowly nodded and walked away while answering the phone.

I turned back to the door and went to knock again, when she opened the door.

Demetri's pov

I walked away with the ringing phone in my hand.

'What am I supposed to tell them? They told me to look after and stand up for her, but she has asked me to lie to them'


"Demetri? Where is Allison? Is she alright? I told you to protect her" master Aro said.

"I know masters. . . Masters I think it best if one of you come to Forks. I know Queen Allison said she could do it on her own but I believe she needs one of you here" I wasn't technically lying to the masters or betraying my Queen trust as I'm not excatly saying the problem.

"Why? Is she alright?" Master Cauis asked. I looked back to my Queen to see her trying to talk to her sister while Bella was screaming at her.

"I can't say as Queen Allison as asked me not to and i wish to respect her right to that"

There was silence on the other end.

"Very well. Marcus will be there tomorrow morning. Do not tell her, she might try and stop us" master Aro said.

"Yes masters" and the line went dead.

I turned back to my Queen to see her still taking the heat from her sister. Master Marcus better hurry.

Bella's pov

'I can't believe my bitch of a sister is still alive. I thought those vampire kings were going to kill her. I have made everyone in her life hate her and she still continues to live. Seriously? How am i supposed to get rid of her?'

"I honestly don't give a damn what you have to say" I said as soon as I opened the door.

"But I just wanted to say goodbye. I'm moving to Italy"

"What? Why?"

"Well it turns out that I'm mated to the three Kings and they have asked me to come live with them"

I just stared at her in shock.

"What do you mean mated?"

"It is kind of like a soulmate thing"

"And you actually believe you deserve them?"

She seemed shocked by that.

"I mean come on Allison, how could you ever be a Queen? You are ugly, stupid, naive and you're human"

"I-i well, t-they sai-d-d they would change me when i am ready" she stuttered.

I could hear the croak in her voice. She is going to cry.

"Change you? You can't be serious? What could a weak, stupid girl like you possibly bring to the vampire world? They will probably just suck you dry"

"Well i-"

"ENOUGH" a voice yelled.

"How dare you speak to the Queen that way. She is more fit to be in this earth than you. You and the Cullen's are on thin ice already. Do not make it worse" Jane said as she appeared out of nowhere.

"Whatever. Go live your- all- so perfect life. I wouldn't be surprised if they kill you when you go back" i said and slammed the door in their faces.

Allison's pov

I stood there shocked.

'Is what she said true? Was i not fit to be Queen? Would they kill me?'

"My Queen, let me drag her back to Volterra" Jane said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No, leave her be. . . Charlie has tomorrow off and Bella will be at school, so we will come back then so i can say goodbye to him" I said while rubbing my arm nervously.

"My Queen, is Bella always around when others are mean to you?" Demetri asked.

"I told you 'Allison' is fine and yes, why?"

"Just curious. Come, we have booked a hotel for you just outside of Forks"

I just nodded and got back in to the car.

'I wish one of them was here'

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