Chapter 9

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Third person pov

"That bitch" an outraged Bella Swan cursed as she paced up and down the kitchen floor of her boyfriend's home, with his family watching.

"Carlisle, are you sure there is nothing you can do?" Esme whispered to her husband.

"I'm afraid not, Esme. Aro made it quiet clear that there was no going back on this. Bella disrespected the Queen and it is not something to be taken lightly. She is also their true mate. They will enforce anything that can to make her happy" Esme was silent after that as she and Carlisle looked back at the still pacing Bella.

"Love, do you remember the reason as to why we hated the Queen? In the whole time I can remember she was nothing but kind to us" Esme asked a few moments later and that caught the attention of the rest of the family expect Bella as they were talking more quietly then a normal human whisper.

"Actually i don't remember. I only remember Bella telling us that we should hate her and then felt an intense anger towards her for everything"

Esme and Carlisle shared a surprised look before turning their attention back to Bella and that is when it clicked in their heads.

'Bella has a mulipulating power and she is using it to make people hate her sister'

Allison pov

"WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE MOVING TO ITALY?" My father yelled as he stood up from his chair at the dining table.

"Dad, please" I tried to calm him down. I looked to my left to see Marcus watching my dad's every move.

"No, you and Bella disappeared to God knows where. Then Bella comes back and you are no where to be seen. That Cullen boy comes back and now you come back with a man I don't even know and tell me you are moving to Italy. I don't know what rebellious stage you two are going through but it ends now" he ranted on and on. I knew I should have been paying attention but one sentence got my attention the most. 

"Wait. .  . You knew i was missing?" I asked in disbelief.

"What kind of question is that? You are my daughter, of course I would know if my own child was missing" he scoffed.

I couldn't help but stare at him in shock before I felt myself start to tear up. I put my hands on my face and started sobbing.

"Allison?" I heard dad ask then felt an arm go around my shoulder that I knew belonged to Marcus.

"Honey, what is the matter?" I heard him gently ask. I just shook my head and tried to get my breathing under control. I pulled my hands away and looked at my dad.

"That is the first time you have called me your daughter"

"What? Don't be ridiculous, I have called you-" he paused for a second and seemed to be really thinking about it. "I have- i have" he kept repeating it as he slowly sank in to his seat. I got up from my seat and quickly moved to my dad and hugged him.

"It's ok" i comforted him.

"No it isn't ok. I have never called my own child my daughter. What kind of father does that? Allison, please forgive me. I have been such a bad father to you. Ignoring you, hating you for reasons I don't even remember" this was so unlike my dad. He hardly ever let his emotions get the best of him. ". . . But I do remember that everything I hated you Bella was always in the room" he said the last part more to himself but I heard it. I looked at Marcus to see him in deep thought.

I felt an intense anger come over me as I thought about my sister. My mates were only trying to make me happy and I was stopping them because my sister was making my life miserable. I guess she got what she wanted. She wanted me to be miserable and because she had been doing it for so long I fell right in to it.

"Dad, whatever has happened is in the past. Please let's move forward and focus on a new start"

He looked up to me. "If that is what you want. . . But we still have to talk about this move to Italy" and dad mode was back.

For the next hour and half dad and Marcus talked back and forth about the move. Surprisingly Marcus got dad to agree to let me go as long as I called twice a week and got to see him for two weeks in Christmas and some other time in the year as dad thought I was going over for school purposes. I could still tell that he was not happy with whatever was going on between me and Marcus but he didn't say anything.

"Well that was interesting" I said as we made our way out of my old house.

"Yes, I think your father is slowly warming up to me" Marcus smiled as he squeezed my hand.

"Very slowly" i laughed as we stepped outside and come face to face with Demetri, Jane, Alec and Felix completely still and with shocked expressions on their faces. In the middle of them was someone I didn't think I would ever see again.

"What the actual fuck do you think you are doing, Allison?"

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