Chapter 1

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I was currently in the back seat of a car that Alice was driving, while Bella was in the front seat. We were on our way to the Volturi to save Bella's boyfriend, Edward.

"I wish you had stayed home" Bella said to me as she kept her eyes on clock.

"I just wanted to make sure that everything goes ok" I said.

"We could handle this fine on our own" she said back with venom. I was used to it by now.

We arrived in Volterra within minutes. Alice beeped people out the way til we were stopped by police. Bella jumped out the car and headed to the clock tower. I ran after her.

We ran down street after street. As we past one when I noticed the clock tower.

"Bella, this way" I said as I pointed down the alley way. She ran back and ran where I pointed to.

As we got to the other side I saw a sort of parade going on.

We pushed our way through the crowd and ran between the parade. We made it to the fountain in front of the clock tower.

I saw Edward taking off his shirt and stepping outside. Bella hopped in the fountain and started running to him. I was about to join her when I saw a little girl notice Edward while he was sparkling. I remember what Alice said about what will happen to him if a human sees him. I quickly ran over to where the child was standing and stood a few feet behind her. She turned to look at me and I quickly used my power to make an illusion. I made the road look like it was different colors. It differently did the job of distracting her.

I found out I could make illusions when I was ten. My best friend, at the time, and I were playing when I said that I wished that we could touch the clouds, and then clouds appeared around us. We where scared at first but then we realize that we could touch them and they stayed the same. We continued to use my power in secret until one day, we were on a cliff and I made an illusion of a big park. We were running around and her foot slipped on the edge and she fell of the cliff and hit the rocks below. I was so devastated after that that I never used my power again til today. Bella and the Cullens knew about my power and about my friends death. They all blame me and I do too.

I looked back at the clock tower to see Alice walking in. I quickly followed her. As I got to the door and walked in I saw Edward, Alice and Bella standing in front of three people.

The three people just stared at me with disbelief. The first one was a young male. He was a bit taller then me. He had brown golden hair that was sticking straight up. He had on very expensive and dark clothes. He also had a beautiful necklace around his neck that sat on his chest. He had chesled features and sticking red eyes. He stood with his left hand behind his back.

The guy next to him was much taller. He had dark brown hair and the same expensive dark clothes. He also had the same necklace on. His eyes were also red and he had chesled features. He was carrying a red coat, like what everyone outside was wearing.

The last person was girl. She was a beautiful girl. She had a black dress with black shoes on. She had white stocks on. She had beautiful blonde hair that was tyed up in a bun. The same necklace and same red eyes. She was smaller then the two men and about an inch smaller then me. She carried herself with an attitude that demanded respect.

"What is your name?" The girl asked me.

"Allison Swan" I replied.

"You walk with me. Come the masters are waiting" she said as she turned around and walked away. I hurried to catch up the her.

"What is your name?"

"Jane. . . The masters are going to be happy to see you" she said under her breath. I had no idea what she meant but I guess i would just have to wait.

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