Chapter 14

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"Ok, I think we have sat in silence long enough. Can someone explain to me why Allison finally had the guts to stand up to Bella" Kate asked as she sat on opposite couch to Marcus, who was sitting on the edge of the couch, hovering over his mate.

"It was the bond" Marcus said, not taking his eyes of his sleeping mate. "True mates are very protective over each other. For a vampire, like everything else, it is heightened. For a human, it is there but it takes until they are turned or having been together for many years to experience that kind of protectiveness" he explained.

Kate looked to the gaurd as they all stood still just a few feet away. She did felt something for all of them and if what she felt was the same as what Allison felt for Marcus, she knew she was in for a ride. Kate looked back at Marcus and could she the troubled expression he had.

"There is something else, isn't there?" She asked as she leaned forward.

"Yes. . . It takes not only a while for that sort of reaction to happen but also an intense amount of. . . Affection. I do not doubt that her feelings for us our growing but I did not expect for to react like that. If a mate feels like their partner is in danger from something or someone, they will stand in front of them like a shield. They would give their lives if it meant the safety of their mate. Of course they would fight to the death before succumbing to that fate"

Kate listened intently to every word.

"Is it possible that she may not have known her true feelings towards you til she saw Bella touching you? She has suffered abuse from her sister that maybe she pushed the affection she had for you down cause she felt like she didn't deserve it. Maybe she thought that Bella's was going to turn you against her and that made her snap"

"It is a possible explanation. I will have to tell Aro. The bond is moving faster then we thought"

"Aro is the one that can read minds but touching you right?" Kate asked. Allison has told her who the kings were so she knew which one was which without meeting them yet.


"Can't he just touch her hand and see what she felt?"

For the first time during the whole conversation, Marcus took his eyes of his mate.

"Aro tried when we first meet her in Volterra when she followed Bella to help her save the Cullen boy. He couldn't read her mind"

Kate sat back in thought before looking at Allison.

"Could it be because of her power?"


"She can make realistic illusions. Anything that she wants you to see she can make it happen and it is real til she loses focus" Kate explained.

"I didn't know that"

"She lost someone because of her power. She doesn't like to talk about"

"I see"

Allison groaned as she started to wake up.

"Easy, my love. You are going to have a headache" Marcus said as he placed his cold hand on her forehead.

"What happened?" She asked as her eyes opened but closed immediately because of the bright light.

"You don't remember?" Kate asked.

"Must have done something good to make you two talk to me again"

"We are still angry that you lied to us. But I think after your little punching session, we can forgive you" Kate smirked.

"Kate, I love you but my head seriously hurts. What did I do?"

"You punched Bella and made her nose bleed cause you saw her touching Marcus and the bond took over"

"I punched Bella? Why? When?"

"Just after you were done speaking to your father. It was the bond, it makes you feel an intense amount of rage when you think your mate is in danger" Marcus explained as he helped her sit up.

"Oh, well that explains why I felt like I wanted to rip her head off"

"Best thing I have seen since I got to Forks"

"We will be arriving in Volterra in five hours. We will have to inform Aro and Cauis on everything that has happened" Marcus said before him and Kate engaged in a conversation.

I just leaned against Marcus and let my thought take over.

I had found my mates, said goodbye to my father, had my cousin turn up and find out she is mated to some of the most powerful gaurd in the Volturi, said goodbye to the Cullen's, had Kate and Marcus find out they threw me down the stairs, both of them giving me the silent treatment and finally punching my sister, something I had been scared to do for years, all in the space of a week.

My life was sure taking a crazy turn.

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