Chapter 15

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Mature content (bit spicy)

After a five hour plane ride and a thirty minute car ride, we pulled in to the garage of the Volturi Manison.

As the car come to a stop and Felix turned to engine off, my heart started racing. Aro would immediately known the moment he touched Marcus's hand and I had no doubt that they would tell Caius.

If Marcus's reaction to the news was anything to go by then I couldn't imagine their reaction. I hadn't spent alot of time with them but I could tell that Aro was the kind of angry that didn't show emotionally but more in physical and verbal ways. But Caius... Caius was differently the emotional angry type.

"Don't be scared, my dear. They will understand" Marcus said as he put his hand on mine.

"I know they will in time, it is there immediate reaction that scares me"

"They will not hurt you, my love. They will be angry yes but it will be ok"
Marcus tried to reassure me.

I just nodded. Their angry and disappointment was what was making me anxious.

We all got out of the car and made our way in to the building. I had a death grip on Marcus's hand.

We walked down the long hallway that lead to the throne room, where Aro and Cauis were waiting.

As we got closer my heart started beating faster and my breath shorter.

"M-Marcus, i-i don't feel so-"
You tried to say but suddenly everything went black.

Marcus pov

I caught my mate as she suddenly went limp in my arms.

"Allison, baby, wake up" I said as I gently shook her. I saw Kate come up and kneel beside her.

"What happened?" She asked hurriedly. Panic in her voice.

"I think she had an anxiety attack and fainted"

Suddenly the throne room doors burst open and Aro and Caius rushed out but stopped dead when they saw a unconscious Allison in my arms. They vamped sped over to us.

I saw Felix grab Kate and gently pull her out of my brothers way.

"What happened?" Caius exploded as he knelt by her side and took her out of my arms and in to his own.

"She had an anxiety attack and fainted. I believe she will be ok. She should wake up soon"

"But why? What caused it? I swear if it is because of her bitch of a sister, I will go to Forks myself"
Caius sneered.

"Brother" I heard Aro say from behind me. I turned to him slightly and offered him my hand. He took my hand in both of his and started to see what happened over the last few days. His expression change to a mix of anger and delight. He finally let go. "I see"

"You see? See what Aro? What happened?" Caius pressed.

"It seems our darling stressed herself out over a reaction to the Cullen's..... mishap" Aro answered.

"What kind of 'mishaps?"
Caius asked as his voice become dangerously low.

"They pushed her down the stairs" Kate answered which made Aro and Caius snap their heads in her direction.

"WHAT?" Caius roared as Aro stayed calm but I could see the storm behind his eyes.

"And you must be Kate Swan, Allison's cousin, yes?"

"Yes and I take it from what I have seen you must be Aro"


"I'm sorry, can we go back to the fact that those filthy bastards PUSHED OUR MATE DOWN SOME STAIRS"

"They admitted to it when Allison wanted to go say goodbye to them. It seems that Bella might have some ability to make people hate who she hates but once she leaves the room it goes away and the people don't remember why they hate the person"
Kate answered.

"Aro" Caius growled as he looked at our brother. The both of them just staring at each other for a moment before Aro nodded.

Caius picked Allison up and vamped sped off with her.

"Where is he going with her?" Kate asked worriedly.

"He will deal with knocking some sense in to your cousin. I would like to discuss something with you miss Kate, if you would be so kind" Aro said as he guestured to thr throne room.

"But Allison....?"

"She will be fine, miss Kate. Caius would never think of hurting her" I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked at me for a moment before sighing and following Aro in to the throne room.

I looked back in the direction that Allison and Caius had disappeared to before sighing and going in to the throne room.

Caius pov

I gently laid Allison on the bed in my room before sitting in the chair next to her. All three of us had gotten beds in our rooms should she want to stay with us.

I took her hand in mine and gently stroked it, just waiting for her to wake up.

I thought back to what this Kate person said. I felt my anger start to grow. How could they be so cruel to such an angel? How could she forgive them so easily?

I heard Allison suddenly groan and move.

"Sweetheart, take it easy" I said as I got up and sat on the side of the bed.

"Caius?" She asked, groggily.

"Yes, Sweetheart, it is me. You are in my room"

"What happened?"

"Marcus believes that you stressed yourself out over our reaction of the news that the Cullens pushed you down some stairs and you fainted"
I explained.

She groaned and squeezed her eyes shut. "That sounds like me"

"Allison, why would you hide something like that from us. We only want what is best for you"

"I know. I'm starting to realise that. I just..... I thought I could handle it..... did Marcus tell you what happened before we boarded the jet?"

I raised one of my eyesbrows in curiosity. "No, he didn't"

"Kate and I went to stay goodbye to my dad at the airport and when were walking back we saw Bella with her hands on Marcus. I completely lost it and tackled her to the ground and punched her"

I was stunned. It seems the mate bond is stronger then we thought.

"Did you? Well I'm impressed, my love. But it still doesn't make us less mad about what the Cullen's did"

"I know. I promise I will make it up to you for lying"

I smirked. An idea popping in to my head.

"Want to make it up to me do you? I have a way you can make it up to me"

I could see her body slowly start to shake with delight as her scent started to grow as she got excited.

"A-and that is?"

I answered by attaching my lips to hers. I groaned at the feeling. The softness of her lips and the timid way she slowly kissed back was driving me insane. I slowly got on top of her without breaking the kiss.

Her arms went around my neck as I gently laid my body on hers, most of my weight on my elbows. I pulled away from her lips to let her breath and went straight for her neck. I kissed and licked along her neck as she moaned and begged me not to stop. This was pure heaven.

I decided to be a bit bold and I gently moved my hand under her shirt and up her stomach til I got to the edge of her bra. I traced it along the hem before coming to the back where the clasp was. She didn't stop me so I took it as a sign that she was fine with it.

I unclasped it with one hand. I felt it come lose and went underneath it and traced the skin all the way back to her front.


"Touch me" she cut me off. She looked at me with a pleding look. "Please, Caius"

I smirked as I connected our lips in a short sweet kiss before pulling away. "As you wish my love"

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