Worth It

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Okay another prompt . This is to redeem myself from my ' poem .' 😂

And sorry , I got this like a long time ago , so I'm trying to catch up on writing .

This is a one shot about Witney receiving hate comments and Mark helping her .

If you like this , you should read my story " Falling Apart ." It's very similar .

Just kidding , that story was really bad .

But anyways , enjoy .


Hate . Everyone gets it at some point of their lives . Celebrities , however , get it everyday . It comes with the job , but they understood . Not everyone is going to like their choices or actions .

Witney , on the other hand , didn't . She wanted everyone to like her . Everyone . So when she starts getting hate , she doesn't know what to do .


Witney was not herself , and Mark could tell . She was off on her counts , she never smiled once , she didn't look into his eyes at all . Something was wrong but what ?

' Knock , knock .' Witney went straight to her dressing room before Mark could catch her . When no one answered , Mark opened the door himself . He found Witney , crying in the corner . Once Witney realized who it was , she immediately wiped her puffy eyes and red nose .

Mark felt awkward as he approached Witney . He never knew what to do around her . He always felt as if there was a barrier around her , and she never let him in .

" Is ... Is everything okay ?" Mark asked .

" Yeah , everything is fine ," Witney replied , not looking into Mark's eyes .

Mark took a seat next to Witney and sighed , not knowing what to say .

" Mark ..." Witney said shakily , " Do you think I'm worth it ?"

Mark was dumbfounded . Was she worth it ? Of course she was . She was amazingly talented , stunning , she was perfect . Why was she even thinking that ?

" What ?" Was all he could say .

Witney tried to speak but couldn't and broke into tears again .

" Wit . Wit . What's wrong ?"

" It's just ," Witney started ," I ... I don't ... I don't know . I mean am I worth it ? Do I deserve this ? Do I deserve you ?"

Witney got up and paced around . Mark followed her .

" Hey , hey , hey ," Mark faced her . " You are worth it . You definitely deserve this . You're amazing . What made you think this ?"

Mark glanced around and found her phone , sitting on the table . He went to pick it up and saw everything .

' I hate you Witney !'

' You didn't deserve the mirror ball .'

' Stupid , ugly , fat .'

' Witney Carson is the worst person I've ever seen !'

Mark was astonished . Tears were forming in his eyes as he couldn't believe what he was reading . Who were these people ? How could they say something like that ?

" Is this why you're sad ?" Mark asked turning around .

All Witney would do was nod . She was embarrassed to even shed a tear in front of Mark . She never liked to be vulnerable in front of him .

" Witney ," Mark sighed . " Why ? Why waste you're emotions over these people ? They're not worth it . But you are . You're the most beautiful person I've ever met . You're a phenomenal dancer . You're so genuine . So kind . So youthful . Don't ever forget that . You're amazing and you shouldn't even waste your breath on these fools ."

Mark pulled Witney into his arms , while Witney quietly sobbed .

She felt so grateful of Mark . He has helped her through numerous things .

" Thank you ."


Okay .

I need more prompts .

And also I've been having terrible writer's block . But I love doing one - shots so please send in some more .

Thanks , I love you all . ♡

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