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Okay , here's a one shot requested .

Witney is stressed and Mark comforts her .

I hope you like it . ♡

Also , comment or message me ideas . I promise I'll get to all of them .


This week was the switch up week . The week everyone was dreading . No one liked it , you could ask anyone . Splitting partners , tearing people apart , ruining bonds . The pros and the dancers were both on edge .

" Witney , I just don't get it . I don't get anything . I'm so bad ." Michael said as they were finishing their first run through .

Witney was overwhelmed . Going from Alfonso to Michael was totally different . She had to adjust to his learning style as well as his agility . She also had to be patient and understanding , which was hard . Going from Alfonso who could learn in an instant to Michael who takes a while to learn was challenging . She had a lot of pressure on her hands .

" Michael ," Witney sighed ," I think we should take a break . Five ?"

Witney grabbed her phone and walked out of the room , running into Mark .

Witney and Mark were questionable . They weren't official , but they were talking . Although they denied it , everyone knew it . They knew they were meant for each other , but they didn't admit it . They were meant to be .

" Heyy Wit ," Mark said smiling .

" Hey Mark ."

Mark knew something was wrong . She wasn't herself , her youthful , kind-hearted self . What was it ?

" What's wrong ?" Mark asked , concerned .

" It's just ," Witney started , looking around to see if anyone else was listening ," this week is so hard . Michael isn't bad , it's just he can't pick up choreography well and he ... He just isn't Alfonso ."

Mark knew how Witney felt . Changing partners were hard . He felt bad for Witney , it only being her second season as pro . He wanted to something special for her . Something ... Relaxing .

" Why don't you come to my house tonight . I can ..." Was all Mark could get out before Witney interrupted him .

" Mark , I'd love to . I'm just too overwhelmed , though . I need to be alone ." Witney walked away .

Even though Witney refused , Mark still wasn't sad . He had a plan .


" Bye Sasha ," Witney said over her shoulder as she walked out of the studio . She was stunned to find a note on her car window .

' Follow the petals , my girl .'

Witney noticed the rose petals leading towards the back entrance of the studio . She decided to follow them .

As she was winding down the path , she saw flowers and chocolates . She picked them up and kept walking the path .

Who would do this ?

Witney followed the petals to Room E . She opened it to find Mark , dressed in fine clothes .

" Mark ," Witney gasped in shock and confusion . The studio was transformed . The lights were dimmed and there was a table with dinner prepared . " What's this for ?"

" Well since you wouldn't come to my house , I brought my house to you . Table for two . " Mark smiled . He took Witney's hand and led her to her seat . " I made your favorite . "


" Mark , that was so delicious ." Witney said .

Mark took her hand and led her to the dance floor . He turned on the song and Witney smiled when the heard the song . ' My Girl .' It was the song that started it all . It was theirs .

Witney and Mark danced together . It was so smooth , so effortless . Everything flowed , and everything connected . They both felt something different . They felt something spark .

" Mark , thank you for that . You really made me relax and I am so grateful ." Witney said as the song was coming to an end .

" Anything for my girl ." Mark replied . Their lips touched , and it felt right . It wasn't sexual , it was love .

" I love you ." Mark whispered as he pulled away , smiling .

" I love you too ..."


I hope you like it and where I went with it . Make sure to comment ideas so I can do them for you .
Thanks , I love you all . ♡

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