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Another prompt ! Yay .

A one shot about the mishap of Witney falling .

And I just want to give a HUGE thanks to everyone ! You guys are amazing and I'm so humbled . ♡

I also have some more prompts and stories I'm writing so , enjoy . ✧✦


" Go kill it ," Mark whispered in Witney's ear before she braced to stage .

It was the week after the switch up week and everyone was in edge . Especially Witney . She wanted to redeem herself from last week . She wanted people to know that she can do this . But most of all , she wanted Mark to believe in her . She loved Mark , and she didn't want him to baby her . She wanted him to trust her , and she planned on doing that .

Alfonso and Witney stepped onstage and positioned themselves . As the music turned on , Mark along with everyone else were stunned . They were killing this routine . Even though it was only dress rehearsal , everyone knew they would get high scores once again .

Mark turned back to look at everyone else's expression when he heard the unthinkable .

Alfonso and Witney were finishing their dance when he dropped her .

" Help , help . We need help !" The producers yelled . " Paramedics !"

Mark immediately ran to Witney , who was in extreme pain .

" Wit . Wit . Where does it hurt ?!" Mark almost yelled , concerned .

" My back ."

The paramedics soon came and wheeled her out of the ballroom . Mark was by Witney's side the whole time .

" Mark ," Witney almost whispered , as she was in so much pain .

" I'm here , I'm right here ." Mark grabbed Witney's hand as tears were forming in his eyes .

Mark felt horrible . He so desperately wanted to throw all of her pain onto him . Witney was supposed to go onstage and kill it . She was supposed to show her fans along with the judges that she deserves to be here . And now , she might not be able to .

As the paramedics were still checking Witney , Keo walked in .

" Man , you're up . You need to go ," Keo said .

" Go tell the producers I'm not going ." Mark replied , not even bothering to turn around .

" But they said ..."

" I don't care ! I need to be with Witney right now . End of discussion !" Mark yelled , frustrated .

" Mark ," Witney groaned .

" No , I'm not leaving you . I'm going to by your side the whole time ."

" Mark please . Go onstage and dance your heart out , for me ," Witney replied , managing a smile .

Mark sighed , thinking it over . He then kissed her temple .

" I love you ..."

Mark ran to Witney , just finishing his dance , to find her asleep .

" Keep fighting , my girl ."


Witney woke up to find herself in the red room . She tried to sit up when someone pushed her back down .

" You need to rest ." She knew that voice . It was Mark .

" What ... What happened ?" Witney questioned , groggy .

" The doctor said you could dance , but you'll be sore and you'll have to take it easy ," Mark replied .

" Mark ," Witney started , grabbing his hand ," I don't want to dance tomorrow ."

Mark was confused as she confessed her feelings .

" Why ?" Mark asked .

" Because ..." Tears were forming in her eyes ," Because I'm scared . I'm scared Mark . What will the judges think of me ? What will America think of me ? That I'm this little girl who fell ? That I can't handle this competition ? I'm starting to think I can't myself . What ... What do you think of me ?"

Mark was shocked to hear Witney's words . What did he think of her ?

" Wit ," Mark gasped as tears were forming in his eyes as well ," You're amazing . You're more brave than me . You're beautiful . You're graceful , and elegant , and I don't deserve you . I love you to the moon and back . I love you for you . You shouldn't be scared . You're fearless ."

Mark's lips found Witney 's . Their compassion for each other was indescribable . They truly loved each other . And nothing could tear them apart .


Okay , I hope you like it . I didn't know where to go with this so I just let it fall out .

But can I just say , I totally think I write better at night . Like I don't know , but .

Thanks , I love you all . ♡

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