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Okay . Another prompt .

I'm in the writing mood today .

But I didn't really get this from particularly anyone . I kinda just made it up .

I guess we'll see how it goes .

Enjoy .


I was ready . It was the best it could possibly get . Nothing could fit Witney , though . She deserved more . I knew she did . I treated her so unfairly , I hope she is okay with just this .

I've known Witney for six years . She was gorgeous and very poise . I could tell she was a true star . It was about two years ago when I started falling for her . I always knew there was something special about her . Her presence , her aura . I knew she was the one for me . What , I recall , made her fall for me was the first dance we did together . It was one to put in the books . It was so effortless . So empowering . After that , I knew she was the one for me .

That was a year ago . A year ago , Witney and I got together . It a futile year . Full of laughs and cries , smiles and frowns , and everything in between . She was amazing , and I'm humbled that she wants me to share her memories with me .

I quietly walked around to the front of the house and walked in , as if usual . When I opened the door , she turned around , facing me . She looked down at my hands , and her expression changed instantly . One minute she was ecstatic , and the next she was saddened , almost angry .

" Why are you late ?" Witney asked , almost demanded .

" Look , I can explain it all . But right after I take a shower and change ."

I had almost forgotten I had dance clothes on . Before she could say anything , I walked to my bathroom to bathe .

After showering , I decided to wear a tuxedo . It was a special day and I knew Witney liked when I wore it . I walked out , about to show her my surprise , when I saw Witney sitting on the couch , crying .

" Witney , " I asked ," Is everything okay ?"

I ran to her and sat beside her . She was hiding something behind her back .

" Happy One Year Anniversary , " She said , wiping away her tears . She in revealed what she was hiding . It was the watch I was wanting along with a card .

' Dearest Mark ,
My Love , you are amazing . Perfect . Thank you for putting up with me for one year . For making me laugh when I don't want to laugh , for making me smile when I don't want to smile . I will always love you .
Witney . '

" Thank you . Thanks so much ." I look up to her crying again .

" Did you forget ?" She can barely manage to get the words out .

" What do you mean ?" I asked , shocked . " I would never forget our anniversary . Why don't you go outside ?"

" What ?" Witney asked , set back . She got up and ran out so see what I've done .

There were rose petals everywhere . A table was set up filled with food and champagne . Candles were lit , as the moon began to set . Sitting in Witney's seat was a neatly wrapped gift .

" Mark , I ..." Witney began , turning to face me . " I'm so sorry I blam..."

Before she could finish , my lips collided with hers . I could tell she was sorry . She didn't need to tell me . Her happiness and expression was more than enough . It was all I needed , all I wanted . I knew . I knew that she was to one I want to spent the rest of my life with .


Okay .

It's actually really short , but I think it's the best I can do with this .

I really like it , and I hope you guys like it too .

Thanks , I love you all . ♡

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