chapter 3

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The one that is sitting at the desk inside the homeroom is someone she just never imaginedshe would actually sees this close. Lucas Greyson. She never told her best friend about her little crush with that national football player because she knew she'll get a laught out of it but right now, looking at him THIS closely... It's a different story.

"What are you doing, let's go!" Called Kim as she snatchs Leah's numb hand and pulled me to their seats. While Kim's chatting with her friends, Leah's having her own inner conflict inside her head.

'What's HE doing here?"

'Isn't his school supposed to be in London where he could be educated so well at the Sport's School?'

'I mean. This is Scotland. Did he quit soccer? I mean football. I mean - whatever. Did he?'

"What to do?!'

'What do I mean, what to do? He didn't even know me! Wht would he be worried? I mean, I could be invisible to him as we finish high school!'

'But won't that be pathetic? Worrying about a guy that won't even know you exists and in the same time have damn feelings for him.'

Leah was too busy hovering inside her own head that she did not even noticed that their English teacher Miss Trusdale had walked in and is calling her name - for the fourth time now. Kim does her a little help from embarassing herself by shoving her elbows on Leah's ribs. "Ow. W-what? I mean... Yes, Miss Trusdale?" She stammered.

"I was saying that I think you should accompany Mr Grayson on this new week here. Get to know the school and all that." I tried to smile and nods. Heavily. This is the first duty I feel much burdened to do since the first day I became a student council president.

"Oh god." I sighed. "That's what you get, miss president." Kim stifled a laughter.

"Not funny, Jenner." Kim hates being called Jenner. She always prefered being called by her long mouthful name because according to her, it's more chic - Kimberly Ashley Jenner-Hemmingway.

Kim is never too particular about anything except her name. She says if she loses everyting in life, her name is all that stays. Leah laughed her for that. "Think about the bright side, Knightly. He's cute. And I KNOW you knew him." She smirked. Leah flinched. "What?!" As far as she remembers, she never told anyone - not even her bestfriend - about her embarassing crush. "I mean. Isn't he, like, a football player. He's in the national team right?"

She let out a deep relieved sigh. While Miss Trusdale continues her lesson about Romeo and Juliet and literally meaning behind every sentences, Leah was too caught up in her feelings about everything that she could barely focus.

She took - what she considered as a brave move - a glance at Lucas who's sitting at the right row behind her. He's hair is more golden than bronze under the flourecent as he brushed his hair between his fingers. It made Leah lost her breath. Lucas's pupil are lighter than she thought. In pictures, it's honey-like soft but now - this close - it's light chestnut.

He seemed to noticed a gaze is on him when he turned his head a bit and their eyes met, it sends fireworks to Leah's heart. But unfortunately, she can't find those in his. She pulled away.

One curse that she has disappoints her that moment. Just by looking in his eyes, she knewthis feelings she has for him, there's no slightest bit on him. His face, though lit up a smile, the eyes are blank - nothing. Only a blank smile.

'Curse you.' Is the only thing she could breathed. That's why it's so hard for her to have a crush or mingle easily with guys. Differ from girls, guys are so much easy to read. The moment she gazes at her crush - in the past - either she could see a nothing or too much something. Both gave her a sign to stop that feeling.

As the class ends, Leah walks faster than ever hoping that somehow Kim understands and cope with my speed. Because according to Miss Trusdale, the little tour began at this lunch. Why she's running away is still in questionable, even to her.

Is it because she's shy? Or the fact thast she secretly has a crush on him that made it impossible for her to even look him on the face? Oh wait. It's bacause she found out that in that instant, while their eyes locked at each other for seconds, her fireworks are not in him. Not his gaze, not his smile and nowhere in his heart. It breaks her. More than she thought it would be - more than she ever felt.

'Bathroom? No. Yard? No, it supposed to be filled with people by now.' Then she knew just where. 'Gym,' she thought.

*what's going with Leah's little love life? Is it going to be easier? Or tougher? Or will she get over him? Will she found a new love? Or this Lucas is just a 'filler' guy? ;)

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