Chapter 4

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Though everyone at school thought Leah's good everything girl but they never thought she would be this good in gym. Expecially hitting the crap out of the punching bag.

"You idiot."

"Oh wait. I am the idiot."

"No no no! It's YOU! You aint supposed to be here. You supposed to be far from me. My ideal guy not just another jerk at school!"

"Stupid stupid stupid!!!" She yelled.

She stepped back and looked at the hanging dummy she hitted. She swore she could see the crack on the thick cloth. This is a habit she knew scared the pants out of Kim. Kim is always the girly type and poise. Leah has to work herself out to become such lady-like and easily drifted - to this side.

Kim had once cried in terror the first she saw Leah lost it. They were both in junior high and Leah was in such a terrible stress state that she cracked the wall the minute her left hook stroke at it. Her hand was bleeding but she put little care into it.

All this while Leah thought that it's the blood that made her bestfried freaked but truthly, Kim was terrified looking at Leah shrieking, kicking, punching and hurting herself.

That's one of the reason she didn't want Kim to tag along and because if she saw her in this state, she'll asked and Leah will have to tell. And this is something she refused to tell Kim - or anyone at all.

Little that she knows, someone is watching her from the little gap from the gym's narrow door. Frowning, worried and curious at the same time. Then, watching her finally get a grip of herself - took her hair into a ponytail, composing her rotten sweaty teary self, collecting her books - the observer smirked and walked away. Whispering, 'This is....' Then fell into a soft scoff.

Leah walked swiftly to the hallway and shoved her things into the locker and paced towards the cafeteria. There aren't much people left on line. Also meaneing another thing! There aint much food left. But she doesn't care. If there's just a quarter portion of food left, she'll just stuffed it into her throat anyway.

She takes her lunch and walked towards her friends sitting at their usual table. With the exception of Kim and Jakson, Leah other friends, Natalia Throne and Gwen Hummingway. She faked a smile and sits at the empty seat. "Where the heck were you?" Asked Natalia.

"I was just looking for Mr Greene." With the name Mr. Greene, they knew exactly why. He's their Calculus teacher. Leah always complained how she sucked at Calculus though they would just gave her are-you-fuckingly-kidding-me look. "So, what's up?" Leah asked trying to enlighted the mood. Study doesn't mingle at the lunch table.

"Well, we were saying that Mr. Hot Football guys seems looking for someone just now." Sung Gwen. "Well actually, I said it first. Since, well, I knew it first." Said Kim. Leah choked. She took a brave glance at the direction Gwen eyed.

There he is. So hot. Now looking him more fully - head to toe - Leah realized how handsome he is in that blue shirt that shows off his killer body and instead of the normal teenage guy look in a pair of jeans, he's much more classy and Edward Cullen-ish in the khaki pants. Talking with the boys, laughing about whatnot would be funny, it made Leah made that instant.

How could she wished this guy should never come here? Seeing this side made her seemed a lot more less crazy. Because being here in this school, he's normal. Not some guy on TV match on the field or the one she googled on for updates. He's human and alive.

Their eyes met. In a flash, she held her breath, closes her eyes and looks away. 'No. I can't look at that expression again. Once is enough. I mean how many times does it takes for a girl to get the message?' Her inner thoughts trying to recompose herself.

"Oh God." She heard her friends murmured. Leah lifts an inch of her face looking at Gwen's dumbstruck face. Turning her head seems like a bad idea when she saw the one that stands so close to her now.

Her heart stopped beating

Lips are dry

No words can come out of her right now.

It seems like a perfect fairytale. This dream guy of her approached her and expressed his love. Telling her that he had been secretly in love with her too. That's why he came all the way to Scotland and went to this school. But that is so far from this cruel reality.

"You must be Leah. I've been looking all over the place for you." Lucas smiled. 'Oh no! He can't know about me sending that stupid fan mail, can't he? I mean that was months ago. Lord no, nobody should know -"

"You're supposed to be my partner Miss Knightly. They said you're the council president that's why Miss Trusdale put you in charge of me." He said with the 'obviously' tone. But still took her off guard. Leah knows she has to find her voice and quick.

"Y-yup. I mean, yes, of course." A little off the pitch but still, it was the best she could come out with in the current situation. "Cool. When does this little party gonna begin? I mean, are you going to bring me touring now or after school or -"

"Actually I haven't figure it out yet. Ummm... I mean, it's just a few minutes away for our next class and I - I have comittee work needs to be done after school. So, maybe later. I'll patch things up with my schedule and we'll see from there." She cuts him off.

'Oh God now I'm sounding more like a boring stupid goody goody good in everything bitch.'

But instead of taken aback, Lucas smiled. Adoringly than before. "Yeah great. We'll talk about this whole partner thing later. What's your next class?" His unexpected question once more crushed Leah's safety net. Now she couldn't even function her brain properly. She couldn't even remember her schedule because of this guy!

"I think mine would be Chemistry." Trying to hide her stammer. But it's useless anyway.

"Great! Me too. Let's walk this newbie to lab than."

'Is the universe trying to get me loosing my mind? Or hell's just waiting to break loose?' Leah can't say anything else now. Guess she's gotta take what's given. And this is one gift she hopes IS refundable.

*to be continued.... How will this messed up Leah deals with her little ideal man that she knew exactly doesn't feel the same for her? Will she play the game that's gonna cause her a high road? Or just shove this ruthless feeling of love away for hurt will follows? Please wait for the next chapter. ;)

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