Prop-Up Boyfriend - Belphegor x F! Reader

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This one was a bit interesting for me cuz it's not smut but also not fluff it just... idk what to call it 😂 

But not in a bad way I did have fun writing it. just something new for me and I'm a bit unsure but that could be bc it's 7 am and I'm a bit sick lol

Prompt: Naughty #13: "I need you to pretend to be my s/o." "Why? You hate me!" 

Fandom: Obey Me! 

Pairing: Belphegor x F! Reader 

Word Count: 2,438 words 

Warning(s): may cause slight annoyance :)



You spot Belphegor pass the end of the hall, saying goodbye to your friends you rush over. Stopping by him, slightly out of breath as he stands straight from the water fountain.

"Hey Belphie." You say sweetly with a small smile. Belphegor looks you up and down with a raised brow. "Uh, hi." He responds slowly, readjusting his backpack strap as he turns to leave.

"So how's your day been?" You ask, walking at his pace.

"What do you want Y/n?" He asks curt. Stopping he leans against the wall, arms crossed. Looking at you through his brows, unamused.

"What do you mean? I'm just trying to make conversation with you." You say innocently.

Rolling his eyes he kicks off the wall and continues down the hall. Not getting ten steps in front of you, you stop him again. "Wait-" You huff. He turns your way. He waits, shaking his head, tuning his hands up signaling you to spit it out already. You sigh,

"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend." You say, wincing at the idiocy of your request. If you can even call it that. You're practically begging him to, 'Gosh really Y/n, "need" him to?' You mentally slap yourself, not noticing the grin on his face. Snapping back when you hear him snort a bit. Trying to remain calm cause lord knows you need him to agree. For a moment there is just silence. Seeing him process your question a bit more. Then he speaks,

"Why? You hate me." His statement punctuated with an amused half cut smirk. Taking in a deep breath through your nose, contemplating your rebuttal. Because the truth is, you don't hate the guy. Sure, he's probably the most annoying being to ever exist in all the three worlds, but that doesn't mean you hate him. Clearing your throat you respond,

"No I don't hate you. We just don't know each other enough." You smile.

"Uh huh. So me pretending to be your boyfriend will do just that, huh?" He says. His face cracks with amusement once again as he watches your face twist in annoyance.

"Look, why don't you just ask one of my brothers? They like you." He says as he backs away symbolizing he's done with this conversation.

You sigh annoyed. 'Yeah like I haven't thought of that before, Dickhead.' You had thought about it before but that didn't go down well.

You didn't dare ask Lucifer well because, he's Lucifer.

Mammon would only accept if you paid him to and even though you were in need of a prop-up boyfriend you weren't that desperate.

Both Levi and Satan were busy the day you would need them.

And lastly there was Beel. You would've asked him but... on Halloween Beel was plastered and drunkenly confessed that he really liked you. After that night he hadn't seemed awkward about doing it and you never told him he did it either.

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