Halloween Night w/ The Brothers

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🎃 Happy Halloween Ghouls and Goblins🎃

I hope you Lovelies had an enjoyable halloween filled with candy and you all were safe :3

I had another thing I thought about posting but I just wasn't feeling it in the moment so I decided to try doing this. I haven't really done scenarios other then the Alphabet headcanon so I hope these are fine (I'm still learning how to make them >.<)

Enjoy ~


Halloween night with the brothers:


+ The coffee table is filled with popcorn, candy, cookies, & candied apples

+ Hot cocoa & apple ciderStaying up till 4 am watching Halloween movies

+ A mix of classic family ones and thriller/scary ones

+ The living room looks like a blanket bomb went off with pillows, blankets, & makeshift 'beds' on the couches and floor in true slumber party fashion

+ There was some bickering of who was gonna sit next to you (You might have been moved around a few times throughout the night)


+ Favorite Halloween movie is The Shining

+ Favorite candy is Skittles, doesn't care for candy in general tho

+ Carved his pumpkin with the classic Jack O' Lantern face


+ Hates horror movies

+ Favorite Halloween movie is Nightmare Before Christmas

+ Favorite candy is Candy Corn

+ Carved a Bat, obviously to represent "The Great Mammon's" glorious wings


+ Favorite Halloween movie is Goosebumps

+ Favorite candy is Regular Hersey's Milk Chocolate Bars

+ Carved his buddy Henry onto his pumpkin


+ Is that last to fall asleep

+ Might pull out a book

+ Favorite Halloween movie is Sleepy Hollow

+ Favorite candy is Kit-Kats

+ Carved a cat on his pumpkin


+ The first after Belphi to go to sleep. Boy needs his beauty sleep!

+ Favorite Halloween movie is The Rocky Horror Picture Show

+ Favorite candy is Sour Patch Kids, really likes how the sour melts into the sweet

+ Carved an intricate and stylish design all around his pumpkin, wanted his to stand out and look cute rather than goofy


+ Brings & eats most of the snacks

+ Favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus

+ Favorite candy is... can all & any be an answer? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups if he had to choose only one

+ Made two pumpkins, one for him and one for Belphie

+ He didn't really put much thought into his carvings tbh cuz he really wanted to get the seeds to cook them.But He did carve a cute ghost on his and a smiley face for Belphie's because Belphi "makes him happy" I just imagined him saying that and it made my heart hurt in a good way


+ The first to fall asleep, once the lights turn out and movie is on he's out

+ Favorite Halloween movie is The Corpse Bride

 + Favorite candy is Hot Tamales

+ Didn't do a pumpkin, too much work so he just took a little snooze while everyone else did it


This isn't anything really long but I did want to post something today so this what I came up with :3

I hope it was enjoyable and again Happy Halloween, kinda crazy October is already over o0o BONKERS!!!

💛💛💛 ~

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