Company & Cocoa

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Heres another Holiday prompt from my Tumblr page :3

Prompt: Gets Cocoa Together


It's the first day of winter break and you were waiting at the set location you and Satan had agreed to meet up at.

You have been long distance for the past couple months since you had to go back to your world to help some demon exchange students acclimate, with you being a human and have experience living and dealing with demons you were the perfect match for the job. So having to leave for the foreseeable future was disheartening for the both of you.

But you guys talk everyday through your D.D.D.s. Giving eachother little updates throughout the day and when it became night for you, Satan would call to tell you goodnight and to hear your voice. It hasn't been the easiest time apart considering the drastic shift from seeing each other everyday to only being able to do so through a screen.

So that's why since being apart you both were planning for this visit.

"I just got off the train. I should be there in about 15 minutes, maybe 10 if I try hard enough." Satan says through the phone.

"Make it 5! I can't wait any longer to see you." You say, making him laugh.

"You got it. I'll make a run for it then." He says

"Perfect." You say, as you disconnect the line.

Leaning against a lamp post, waiting for your demon to appear after about 8 minutes you can hear footsteps coming your way. Turning around you see a slightly winded Satan jogging towards you. Your chest bubbles over with excitement and you run to meet him halfway, as soon as your body is near Satan drops his bag and takes you in his arms for a huge hug. Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, legs encircling his waist, he spins you around. Stood there panting with exhaustion from his run he pulls his head back to look at you. A soft chuckle leaves his lips,

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. I tried to make it in 5 minutes but I guess I wasn't fast enough." His words make you laugh.

"Just shut up and kiss me already you idiot." You say.

Not wishing to let you down, he meets your request once again and presses his lips against yours. The feeling of his touch and the smell of his cologne fills your senses. You've been waiting for this moment the second you left Devildom and you know he had too.

Reluctantly pulling away he gently places you back on the ground. "How about we get back to my place so you can settle in." You say, looping your arm with his. "Yes, that sounds great." He says.

Now back at your temporary apartment, Satan drops his bag by the door.

"Damn, this is a nice place Diavolo got you." He says looking around at the generously sized two bedroom apartment.

"Yeah tell me about it. I'm really going to enjoy this week, since I'll have you to help fill it out. It's kinda lonely here all by myself." You respond.

Going in to hug him, you bury your face into his firm chest. Enjoying the feeling of being back in his arms once again. You both spend a moment to enjoy each other's presence, but this time in silence. Nothing but the sound of his heartbeat and your breath to be heard. Gently swaying side to side, in a stationary dance. How you wished you could stay like this forever. Wrapped in his strong arms, his heart beating like a drum against your ear. A couple minutes pass before you tear yourself away from him, letting out a sigh you smile. "We should get you unpacked." You say as you take his bag. "The bathroom is right here if you want to take a shower and I'm putting your bag in my room." You hauler from down the hall. Taking you up on your offer he responds with a subtle, "Ok." as he enters the bathroom to do just that.

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