Chapter 7 - It's a Trap

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Noah is sitting on one of Josh's sofa in his office, trying to do some emergency work for Josh while Josh also doing some extra work to win a deal with another winery on the West Coast. Josh has been telling his secretary to banned anyone from entering his office since this deal is very important for the company, but then again, this is the fifth time Josh's phone rang. He immediately declines it. Noah took a glance at Josh again before his sight goes back to his screen. Not long after that, the door suddenly swings open by a petite blonde woman, followed by Mrs. Black, the middle-aged woman who happened to be Josh's secretary.

"I am sorry, sir. I've tried to tell her many times that you don't want to be disturb. But she insists." This is not the first time Mrs. Black handling crazy women trying to break in into her boss' office.

"Joshua Paxton, how dare you ignoring my calls?!" the blonde woman half-shouted at Josh, but her words didn't seem to affect him at all.

"Mrs. Black, please call the security. You know the protocols." Josh said in a casual tone without glancing at the woman's direction. "Right away sir." With that, Mrs. Black pulled out her phone and dial the security number.

"Joshy!" said the blondie in a clingy voice, she looked at him in disbelief. "Why are you ignoring me?!"

"Maggie, do I have any obligation to answer all of your texts and calls?" the blonde girl, Maggie, looked shocked and hurt after hearing what Josh just said.

"Do not get attached to me. I don't do attachments. Whatever you think is going on between us, it's over. Please leave, I have many works to finish." Josh's words came out cold and stern.

This is not a new scene for both Josh and Noah. Both of them got caught in this situation pretty often and never really bother to take it seriously. The next thing they know, Maggie already dragged by the security out of Josh's office. After she leaves, Mrs. Black shut the office's door, Josh and Noah continued their work in silence.

A few hours passed, Josh win the deal over the West Inc. his old rival, and it gives him so much satisfaction. He's been eying on that winery and now he's the new owner. "Paxton, why do you always deal with the crazy blondies?" Noah gave him a slight chuckle.

Josh also let out a small chuckle, "I have no idea, my friend." Noah shakes his head lightly, "do you think we should change our game and settle down, mate?" that question just slipped out of Noah's mouth. He immediately regrets it.

Josh looks at his best mate, raising his one eyebrow, can't believe what he just said. "What's gotten into you Noah? Did your father talk about marriage again?"

Noah shrugged, "maybe, he kept pushing me. It drives me crazy. I haven't even gone out on dates in the past three months and he still asked me to quit playing around." Josh knows exactly how demanding the Grahams can be. That's probably why Noah's sister ran away in the first place. "Anyway, I'm was thinking out loud, just forget it. I have to go. I'll see you around, boss." Noah grabbed his suit and his stuff and leave Josh's office.

Josh himself actually has been pushed by his family to settle down and get married. But he can't, or perhaps won't do it because his painful memories of being left on his engagement plan still haunt him down until now. Moreover, the ghost of his past suddenly came back to his life. Josh walks toward the big window in the office, give him direct view of busy New York Street. Many things had happened after Beth ran away from their engagement. It still gives him some sort of trust-issue towards commitment and getting settle for one woman only. You can say that that incident gave him a trauma.

"Women..." he sighed, still looking out at the window. Looked at what one woman did to his life? Did he really want to settle down? Women are throwing themselves to him though. That, except Bethany Grahams and her fellow doctor, Kaitlyn Reynolds.

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