Chapter 16 - The Devil from the Past

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"Josh, that's not the way. Come this way." Kate laughed when she saw Josh was trying to go to the other end of the metro station. They are trying to get back to the metro station near the hospital. Josh looked a little bit embarrassed, but he gathered himself immediately, "after you Kaitlyn." and Kate just laughed.

Her laughter dies when she saw a beggar looking all dirty and weak at one corner. She was looking for something from her bag while walked towards him. Josh, who fixed his eyes on Kate was confused but followed her. "Here you go, sir." Kate smiled while gave the beggar one of her burritos. The beggar thanked her and eat the meal right away.

When Kate turned around, she saw Josh was crossing his arms while smiling. "What?" she asked him. "Nothing, nothing. You just amazed me every time I see you." His words made Kate chuckled.

"There's nothing wrong with sharing with others. I still have plenty of other foods from my mom. I can survive. But nobody knows how many days he hasn't eaten. Always be kind, Paxton. There's nothing wrong with it."

Kate's words stuck on Josh's head up for a long time. Even after he left Kate's apartment, he asked Simon to stop the car when he saw a beggar and gave him some money. He never did that all his life, but he feels good after he did it. Guess Kate really give him a good influence. Josh smiled at the thought of that small moment. Then he heard a knock on his door.

His mom popped up behind the door, "am I disturbing you?" she asked. "No, not at all mom. What's up?" he straightened up his position.

"Your grandma will have her check-up at the Stonefield Hospital next week with me and we both thought why not we pay a visit to the ADHD program you were talking about. Can you call Kate and asked her when is the perfect day to come to one of her classes? I don't have her number. I assume you do since she's your date at my party last month."

Irene smiled at her son. It's not an impossible thing to ask someone to find out Kate's number for her. But she has a plan to make Josh get closer to Kate. She really thinks Kate is a great young lady and she'd be more than happy to see Josh ended up with Kate.

"Yeah, I can ask her for," Josh said, holding back his smile. He was excited because he has an excuse to contact Kate, or even see her again. It's been two weeks since Irene's birthday party and Josh hadn't made any contact with Kate. He didn't want to make it obvious that he's interested in her. Heck, he even still feels unsure about his feelings. But one thing for sure, one of his burdens on his shoulder was lifted when he talked to Beth about Kate.

"Okay, that's great. Do you want to come with us then? Come on Josh it'll be—" before Irene had a chance to finish her words, Josh cut her by saying

"I like that idea. I'll come with you guys." This made Irene a little bit shocked but pleased at the same time. "That's great honey. Okay, I'll leave you to your work. Let me know, okay?" Josh chuckled at his mom and nodded.

For the rest of the day, Josh was working in a good mood and a small smile plastered on his face. This was a rare view for everyone. Not even Noah used to see his mate looking like this. "Bro, you okay?" Noah asked after the last meeting that evening.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why?" Josh asked Noah with a small smile.

"You seem really happy. Did we win an important deal or something?" Josh made a light chuckle and shook his head. "That'd be great, but no." Josh's answer didn't help Noah at all, it made him frustrated. "Then what happened? I never see you this happy in a long time. Spill it, Paxton."

"My mother and grandma might want to donate to the Stonefield's ADHD program. They wanted to come to one of the classes next week and I think I will come with them." Noah didn't expect Josh's answer will be about Kate. Well, he didn't specifically say something about Kate, but Noah knew that it must be about Kate.

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