Chapter 1 - Call 911 Please!

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It was a busy morning as usual. Kate was on her way to grab herself a coffee and bagel before starting her shift at the Pediatric Department, Stonefield Hospital. As she entered her go-to coffee shop, she was greeted by Daniel–the middle-aged barista.

"Good morning Kaitlyn. The usual?" he said with a smile.

"Yes, please! Oh, and Beth's usual too. She had a long night."

"Poor girl, I haven't seen her in awhile. Alright, your order will be ready in 10 minutes."

Kaitlyn Reynolds had just started the 3rd year of her residency as a pediatrician and she couldn't be more excited to end her residency. It was sleepless nights at the ER, endless training with her mentors, and long days at the hospital but somehow, she enjoyed it. She checked her cellphone to make sure her agenda for today. Her shift will start at 8.00 am until lunchtime, then a short meeting with one of her mentors, following with a visit to the Stonefield's ADHD therapy program. Her phone rang as her reminder popped up, "Dinner with the Reynolds @ 7.30 pm."

"Here you go, sweetheart." Daniel handed her orders, still with his signature smile. Sometimes Kate wonders how he manages to put that smile early in the morning. She thanked him as she gave him the money and say goodbye.

"Have a good day Kaitlyn."

"You too Dans."

Daniel's coffee shop is located only two blocks from the hospital. Not only close to the hospital, but it is also served the best coffee in the area. Made it her and other residents a favorite place to grab food. There is a cafeteria at the hospital, but they cannot beat Daniel's coffee for sure.

She entered her unit 30 minutes before her shift and fill her attending sheets before entering her shared office with other resident doctors. As she opens the door, Beth already collapsed at their couch, still in her scrubs. There was an accident last night and the attending surgeon left were Beth and her mentor, she had no choice and jump into the operating room.

"Wake up sleepy head." Kate knocked on Beth's table. "Come on now, I know you must be drained but I got you breakfast."

"10 more minutes please, last night was exhausting." She heard Beth mumbled.

"Alright, I'm going to leave your breakfast at your desk. Be sure to finish it before you head out. I'm gonna get going." Beth slightly nodded at her words and mumbled another thank you.

Before Kate heads out from her unit, the nurse gave her patient list for today and the number of rooms where she had to visit the patients, covering her mentors. She thanked her and hope everything goes smoothly today.


She started the day by giving some vaccines to the toddlers she's been looking out for for the past months and examines some new patients, mostly mild fever and an allergy reaction. She enjoys working with little kids so much, that's why she decided to continue her career as a pediatrician. Stonefield Hospital is great. The people are so nice, their food tastes good and the view from her office just great. It is the view of East River Bay. After finished examining her out-patients, it's time to check the hospitalized ones.

"Good morning Emma." Kate entered another patient's room. This time is a girl with Scarlet Fever.

"Good morning dr. Reynolds." She answered shyly. Kate smiled at her while checking her temperature and her rashes.

"How do you feel today?"

"Much better, I'm bored. I want to go out and play with my brothers." Emma pouted. This made Kate smile and check her board, noticing the notes from the nurse at her board about Emma's unfinished food from yesterday.

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