Chapter 6 - Charity Gala

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Kate is walking towards dr. Reed's office before she accidentally meets Isaac. "Hey," she greeted him. "Kate, what's up?" he greeted her back. "I'm on my way to see dr. Reed. What do you up to? You look nervous."

"Um, yeah. Remember I told you that dr. Harris wants me to involved in his research?" Kate nodded. "Today he wants me to present something for him. You can say I am nervous."

Kate chuckled and patted on Isaac's shoulder, "Oh come on! You'll do great dr. Baker! Here, let me give you a hug." She opened her arms and give Isaac a big hug.

"Aw thanks Kate, I needed that."

After saying a few words, they both separated and Kate knock on dr. Reed's office. She said she has something important to share with Kate about the ADHD Program. The program has been running for three months now but every now and then the program needs extra cash to keep the program going.

"Come on in, Kate! Please have a seat." Laura greeted her. She nodded and took a sit in front of her mentor. "Is everything alright dr. Reed?" Laura made a loud sigh at Kate's words. 

"Yeah, everything's good. For a few more months though. But here's the thing, this weekend there's going to be a UN's World Health Organization charity gala. I want to take you with me to the event along with dr. White. What do you say?"

A charity gala? With dr. Charles White? Of course, with dr. Reed too, but could Kate manage not to be awkward for the night?

"Kaitlyn?" Laura called her name again.

"What do you say? We're going to look out for a potential investor for the ADHD Program.

"Yeah, of course, dr. Reed. I'd love to."


Today the hospital seems like giving the residents some free time, and that's exactly what the residents do. They having a brunch at the hospital's garden, enjoying the summer. Jen, as usual, tries to catch up with the news and gossips, is looking at some magazines' articles. Looking for celebrities' info and hot issues. While Beth, Tom, and Kate are enjoying the sunshine.

"Hey, isn't this is the guy who came to the hospital with you Kate? When you were invited to a party or something. The nurses made a big fuss about it you know. Said you and him look like a model couple." Jen showed them her phone screen. She was referring to the red dress incident a couple of weeks ago.

"Joshua Paxton, the Most Eligible Bachelor in the US, was seen coming out from club with Victoria's Secret's model, Maggie Laine." Shown on the screen with the picture of Josh and the model leaving from the bar. Beth took a look at it too, then rolled her eyes. After a few encounters with Josh, Kate wouldn't deny that there's something between Josh and Beth. "You look like you hate him, Beth." Kate trailed, making Jen and Tom looking at Beth.

"Long short story, he is my brother's childhood friend and now Noah is working for him. Both of them are popular with girls, models, sometimes celebrities. So, it just an old story for me. Nothing new." Beth explained, hoping her friends will buy her story. She didn't lie though, that's partly the truth. Another part, she isn't ready to tell them just yet. The three of them just nodded.

"Your brother works with the most eligible bachelor in the US?" Jen asked again and Beth nodded. "I mean, Noah also managed to get himself onto the list. Not the most, but he probably around the ninth or seventh. I don't know and I don't really care."

"Anyway, is there's a possible chance I could borrow one of your decent dresses for a WHO's Charity Gala?" Kate asked Beth and Jen with a careful tone, hoping they wouldn't get suspicious. Jen frowned at her, "a WHO's Charity Gala? You're going to that prestigious event?" Jen seems excited to hear the news. Kate tried to hide her nervousness and said "Yeah, dr. Reed kinda wants me to come to the gala with her.... And dr. White."

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