𝐬 𝐞 𝐩 𝐭 𝐞 𝐦

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(adj.) full of high spirits and fun

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"Get it off me!" Screaming because there's a body lying on top of me with blood oozing out it was not what I expected when I got out the car — dragged out the car, more like.

"I told you to stay in the damn car!" He yelled as he kept the man in a headlock; his arm wrapped around the guy's neck, the life in him being drained out.

"I was in the fucking car," I yelled back pushing the body off me, landing besides me with a thud as I grasped the gun in my hand tightly. "Until I was dragged out," I spat, aiming the gun at the guy who was running Flavio's way, ready to attack him until I shot him — right in the head. "By my foot." I sat up, watching the lifeless body in Flavio's arm collapse to the ground.

Damn, all those early morning trainings really pay off.

"Well next time," Flavio caught his breathe, raking his hands through his almost raven hair as he started walking back towards the car. "Lock the door."

I stared at him as he neared the car. I will lock the door... after I put him in the car. Then blow it up.

"Fuck you." I muttered, getting off the floor, dusting my clothes and soon realising there's scratches on my arms from when I was dragged.

At least it won't leave scars, so fine enough with me.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to put my seatbelt on. "Salgado?" I asked him as he drove out the area.

"No idea," Flavio clicked his tongue. "They were Italian though."

"Oh, thanks for narrowing down the list of suspects here," I sniggered with sarcasm. "Because here, in New York, there's only one Italian mafia." This idiot. "Like their nationality is going to answer my question." The guy should've hit Flavio a little more harder on the head, hopefully to knock some common sense into him.

Oh no. What if he actually knocked out the remaining common sense? Poor Flavio.

"I'm so tempted to throw you out this car." Flavio rolled his eyes as he took the next turn, suddenly on purpose so it'll jerk me out my seat causing me to slam my hand down so I would hurt myself.


"Step one to throwing me out the car; grow a pair of balls." I teased him and he scoffed. I don't know why I have such a strong urge to always be rude to Flavio, he's just got that face, I guess.

"One, you should see my balls and I'll gladly show you and two, I just killed a guy." Oh shit, tough guy alert.

"One," I mimicked his voice but just more stupidly. "Your so called balls are the same size of your pea-sized brain," I faced him and his jaw dropped open. "And two, I killed two guys. It it wasn't for me, you would've been dead by now." I smirked, knowing I'm winning this.

"Whatever." He huffed. Like always, I win.

"Awe, is someone's damaged ego hurt again?" I teased him again with a baby voice pinching his cheeks, and he swatted my hand away but I did it again and this time he let me.

"Amara, that shit hurts." He sounded weird because of the way I had pinched his cheeks.

"Okay, okay." I chuckled, moving my hand away as he rubbed his cheek.

"Those were Salgado's men, right?" I dusted my t-shirt, watching the road in front of us as Flavio drove through a busy street.

"I think so." He answered without full certainty.

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