𝐪 𝐮 𝐚 𝐭 𝐭 𝐮 𝐨 𝐫

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(n.) the fear of being hurt

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Pressing my foot against his throat with all my might, I didn't stop until I heard the satisfaction noise of his neck-breaking.

Seeing another guy approach me, through the reflection, I raised my right leg, my heel hitting him straight in the nose, quickly spinning around as I whacked his adam's apple, watching him fall to the floor as I quickly took my chance to snap his neck.

Five down two more to go.

I looked over at Dominic who had another guy on the floor, glaring down at him with his gun pointed at him, the bullet going straight through his brain; blood and brains scattering the white floor.

Swinging my jacket off, I snatched out my knives I kept in the harness that was strapped to me; swinging them in my certain style as another man ran towards me.

I ducked, dodging his punch and just as I was turning around, I felt a sting erupt on my left cheek, though it didn't hurt as much but took me by surprise.

I looked up, wiping my lip to see blood as I eyed the petrified man. "Did you just slap me?" I asked dumbfounded, not giving him time to answer as I took both my knives, slashing his neck.

I felt the warmth of the redness splatter all over my face and another great outfit perfectly ruined.

"Is that it?" Dominic asked, dropping on his knees. "Please tell me that was." He held his waist, groaning and my eyes widened to see a huge stain, the sins of red overpowering the innocence of the white.

"Dominic, fuck!" I rushed towards him, looking around at the almost empty balcony.

I noticed my phone not too far away as I reached for it — why's Grey still on the phone?

"Hello?" I panicked.

"Amara? Thank God, I'm on my way—"

"No!" The last thing I need is Dominic and Grey together here. "I'm fine, don't worry, go back home." With that, I hung up but I know he won't listen to me.

I can expect him to be here within five minutes.

I quickly found Flavio's contact calling him and he answered right away. "Flavio speaking," He joked but right now is not the time to joke back.

"Vio, get to Augustine's right fucking now! It's Dominic, he's ripped his stitches." I crawled back towards Dominic who is now still on his knees, groaning in pain.

"You lucky bitches, I'm two minutes away, hold on." I hung up instantly, keeping my phone in my bloody hands; Dominic clenching his jaw as his white shirt was being overpowered by the red stain.

Not long passed; I paced back and forth waiting for Flavio to show up hoping Grey won't show up first.

"Mara?" I heard Flavio's voice and I looked up to see him rushing towards us, Dominic now standing up as he groaned in pain.

Oh, lucky me.

"Take him, I need to do something but when I'm done, I need you to come meet me," I informed him and he nodded; raking his fingers through his dark raven like hair. "I'll text you, go!" I rushed him, hoping they would get out of here as quick as possible... I don't need Grey and Dominic to meet — just yet.

"Be safe, okay?" Flavio was helping Dominic and I nodded at him, my mind so overcrowded with thoughts and stress that the only thing I could focus on was how Alec's security failed.

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