Chapter 6

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As we were walking back to the gym Sasuke stops in his tracks and looks down. We all look back at him in concern " What's wrong, Sasuke ?" He looks up at me hesitantly and says " I outed you to Ino. "Everyone's head whips around to look at Sasuke including Sakura  " YOU OUTED HIM TO INO !!!" TenTen and Rocklee shout, " OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THIS SCHOOL YOU OUTED HIM TO HER." Hinata and Sakura look at Sasuke angrily and Negi facepalms in annoyance. I look up at Sasuke desperate "What do I do, she'll tell everyone, they'll hate me again !!! I CAN'T GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN!! " I start sobbing into Tenten's shoulder. TenTen gives Sasuke a look of disgust and goes to comfort me. 

In case you are wondering, Ino is one of the most popular people in the school (Besides Kiba and Shikamaru of course). Just like every other bitchy popular kid in the world, these three like turning your life into an absolute hell, they did that to me once before but that was a long time ago, everyone's forgotten about it. 


They dig up something extremely personal about you and your home life and use it against you. In middle school, after my parents died, Pervy Sage told me to start a journal to track my emotions and keep them in check, I wrote in it every day. Our school did this thing where we would sleepover in the school so I hid my journal in my bag and at night I wrote in it. It turns out Ino wasn't asleep and took it from me and ran off with it. The next morning, during breakfast, she stood on the table and read my journal aloud. Everyone started laughing and I couldn't take it. My breath started getting shaky and my hands were sweating, I was blacking out with tears streaming down my face. I was having a panic attack and no one helped me, they just kept on laughing. As everyone was leaving Kiba and Shikamaru repeatedly kicked me in the stomach. They were walking out of the cafeteria Ino turned to look at me, smirked, left the room, and locked the door. They left me in the dark for hours and even after that incident they still made fun of me.

" YOU JUST GAVE THEM SOMETHING TO MAKE FUN OF HIM WITH!! " Tenten yells at him, " LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE, SASUKE !!" Tenten gets in his face and yells again, " WHAT THE FUCK MADE YOU TELL INO THAT, OF ALL PEOPLE, SHES GONNA TELL EVERYONE !!" Sasuke starts to tear up and mumbles out " I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking correctly, I was upset ." He shoves Tenten out of the way and looks at me, " I'm sorry ."


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