Chapter 1

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I groggily roll out of bed and turn off my alarm clock. It's 10:00 a.m October 10th, My birthday. I get out of bed and starts getting ready. I pick out his clothes, showers, and heads downstairs for breakfast. "Morning Pervy Sage"!

"Good Morning, Kiddo! You sleep well?". I look up and nod enthusiastically with a big goofy grin on my face," I did". " Ah, that's good, Kiddo, Now come over here and eat your breakfast". "Okay!". I walk over and take my seat. " Now for your birthday, I made pancakes". "Oh ok", I start eating. " Hey Kiddo, I have to go run errands and I'll be back around 6:30-7:00". "Ok, Some of my friends are gonna come over when you get back will celebrate, right?". "Of course kiddo, will eat cup ramen, watch some movies". I smile, every year we watch movies and eat cup ramen. It's a birthday tradition."Ok, I'm looking forward to it, See you later, see you later, Kiddo". I look over to the coatrack and see Pervy Sage's coat, "Ah, Wait you forgot your coat!!". He turns back and smiles "Ah thanks kiddo, I swear what would I do without you here with me". He grabs his coat and struggles to put his arms through the sleeves and zips up his coat, I give him a hug and he waves goodbye as he heads out the house. 


I look at the time. Its 11:30 a.m. "Hmmm, I still have some time before my friends come over so I might as well straighten up a bit", I think to myself. As I'm straightening up I stumble across a very dark hallway I freeze up and my breathing gets shaky as I stare into the darkness of the hallway. I start sweating and scratching my palm, my eyes darting around the room desperately searching for a light switch to illuminate the dark hallway. I shut my eyes and feel around with my hands to find a light switch." Found it!", I flick it on and the hallway brightens, I let out a breath of relief. 

I finish cleaning up and slump down on the couch and screw around on my phone for a while.


"Ah, their here!". I happily get up and walk to the door, as soon I open the door TenTen, RockLee, and Sakura burst through the door. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NARUTO", they exclaim with excitement. "Where's Sasuke and Negi?", I ask "Were right here you Dofus, "Sasuke says with annoyance ." Happy Birthday Naruto," Negi says calmly. " Hi, Sasuke, Hi, Negi, Welcome !"

We open presents and talk, Afterward we eat cake.

.."Yeah, so now me and Garra are dating," Rock Lee says as he finishes talking, he shoves a forkful of cake in his mouth, he points his fork at me, "You on the other hand have never dated ANYONE ever, what's up with that," he says as he tilts and raises her eyebrow in confusion."Yeah and you've turned down countless girls and guys who have confessed to you", TenTen joins in, "What you think you're too good for them, "She said jokingly while she nudges me in the shoulder. I uncomfortably laugh.

"Actually it's funny you both bring that up because I have some important news to share with you guys". I take a deep breath in and exhale. 

"I'm AroAce meaning I don't experience sexual or romantic feelings towards anyone, that's why I turned down everyone who confessed to me, that's why I've never been in a relationship. I hope you guy find it within yourself to accept me". I take another deep inhale and exhale shakily. As I look up everyone just stares blankly at me, "You guys gonna say something or just stare at me". TenTen, RockLee, Negi, and Hinata's expressions soften, they all get up and tackle hug me. As we get up they all say in unison "Of course we accept you Naruto!!" We were talking so much that we didn't even realize Sasuke and Sakura get up. 

"Hey you guys where are you guys going?"

"Were leaving"

"Why?" I ask in confusion

"We don't hang out with aliens," Sasuke says harshly, Sakura nods 

"Hey wait up-" I reach out for their hands and they spin around both of the expressions cringing with disgust, they snatched there hand away from me

"I don't understand, when Rock Lee came out to you guys as gay, you both congratulated him but when I come out, you guys get mad at me  and storm out of my house" 

"At least he can fall in love with people, you on the other hand don't even experience that and quite frankly it's gross," Sakura says as she fake gags 

"You guys wait I don't know what I did wrong please tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it" At this point, I was just desperate so I reach out to them again but this time Sasuke shoves me away from him

He looks at me, face overflowing with rage, and says  


I watch as they both get their coats and slam the door in my face. I start to tear up and crumple to my knees.

What do I do now?  

Complicated Beginnings ~ Asexual Naruto AUWhere stories live. Discover now