Chapter 26: Monster

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Everything is so fuzzy. The room seems to spin as Bonnie slowly opens his eyes and looks around. It eventually wears off as he fully wakes up but there is still a feeling of dizziness. He looks around and finds himself in bed, at home. How'd he get here? The last thing he remembers is finding out your dad regrets building him. He was standing in front of him and your dad was saying that if he never made Bonnie, none of this would've happened and now he's here in bed. He looks at the clock sitting on the bedside table. 3 pm. You're still at work. He adjusts himself in bed and his hand brushes up against his own shoulder, but he feels something else. He looks down at it and finds that his spikes have grown exponentially. Great. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and mumbling to himself.


It's really quiet in the house. Too quiet. As Bonnie aimlessly walks around, a sinking feeling gets bigger and bigger in his chest. It gets even worse when he begins to hear voices. Two very angry voices to be specific. Both are recognisable as both you and your dad are in a heated argument again. For some reason, he feels an irresistible curiosity to hear what is being said so as silently as possible he creeps closer to where you two are.

"Did I not say it was going to happen?" your dad says.

Bonnie sits around a corner so he can also see you both.

"I never said it wasn't going to happen." You rub your forehead in frustration.

"So are you going to do it now?"

"No! He doesn't need that. In fact, that would make it worse."

"So almost killing a man is alright to you?"

You groan. "For god's sake! No! It's just you don't understand the difference between a normal attack and a snap."

"You still need to do something."

"I know and I will! I'll be going out to get some medicine for him."

"That's it?" Your dad throws his hands up in disbelief.

"That's all he needs!"

"I find that hard to believe."

"Well, that's your problem."

Your dad frowns. "Y/n..."

"I want you to think long and hard about what you're about to say to me."

"Have you seen Bonnie?" Your dad crosses his arms. "He's clearly not the same."

"You don't say." You lean forward.

"Don't get sassy with me." Your dad does the same. "How many times do you think he's going to thrash out like that? What if he actually does kill somebody one day? What are you going to do then, huh? What if he keeps getting worse?"

"Shut up!" You try to leave but your dad grabs your arm.

"What are you going to do?! Are you going to keep defending him when he has blood stains on his hands?"

He glares at you and you do the same. You really want to hit him but can't do so for multiple reasons.

"Just say what you want to say and then shut your mouth," you say.

Your dad inhales aggressively, trying to keep his composure. Bonnie has never seen either of you this angry at each other.


There's a still, awkward, painful silence that feels like it goes on for an eternity, just full of you two glaring holes into each other's faces. You both seem like statues.

"When are you going to realise..." your dad finally speaks up, "that this isn't Bonnie anymore. All he is right now is a monster."

You shove him off, punching his shoulder in the process, and almost slap him across the face but decide against it, instead just pushing past him to leave. It isn't long until the front door slams shut, leaving your dad and the still undetected Bonnie alone in the house. Your dad tuts, however, and walks away.


Bonnie stays still, refusing to move, as he sits frozen with wide eyes and shaky hands. Slowly, he holds his hands out so he can see them, or more accurately, his claws, as how your dad described him echoes in his head. They are also bigger – just like the spikes. Everything is just getting worse but it is really that bad already? To be already pinned with the name monster? He's barely just finished the three weeks and this has already happened. It's basically hopeless if it's this hard. Bonnie had thought it wouldn't be so bad just judging how everyone else at the slum is going, having been with the virus for years. They seem to be relatively fine. Maybe it's just him. He's the one who's not strong enough to fight against this. There is one way to fix it, however.


Bonnie stands up, slowly as his mind tries to rationalise what he's thinking right now. His body, however, does not care as he just blindly walks back to the bedroom. Is this too much? Probably, but his brain is basically glitching right now. He stumbles through the door, still trying to justify his thought process. He stretches his arms out to the drawer of the bedside table. You had put a scalpel there. The drawer flies open and out it comes, right into Bonnie's hand. Rather calmly, he walks over to a mirror and once in front of it, he fishes around in his neck with his other hand. It's really quick. He finds the specific wire he needs – a black one with a blue line going down it – and pulls it out slightly so he can see it better. Once he has a good enough angle, he brings the scalpel towards it and starts to cut. He drags the scalpel back and forth on the wire, slowly but surely cutting through it. It hurts so much. The deeper it goes the more sparks start to appear. Eventually, the wire snaps, curling slightly when he lets it go, and immediately, he shoves his fingers towards the health check button to make sure it has worked.

"Warning: Waterproof ability has been shut down. Please fix immediately. Warning: Waterproof ability has been shut down. Please fix immediately. Warning: Water proo—"

Bonnie shuts it off. It's worked. It's kind of concerning how easily it goes offline. Not that he's complaining right now.

He has other plans.

Happy new year 💞.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now