Chapter 19: His Fault

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"Bonnie, please stop." You grab his arm. "Go lay down."

"Only if you come with me."

You look between him and your very concerned dad. "I'll be there in a minute. Trust me."

You can tell Bonnie wishes that his spacial awareness wasn't dramatically heightened since then he would have a reason to have you permanently right next to him. Yesterday, he got up from bed after calling for you and getting nothing, only to easily make his way downstairs, through some rooms, all while calling your name. Apparently, however, you were there, following him without saying anything, and so now you know he doesn't need your guidance 24/7. It wouldn't be as bad – actually kind of good – if it wasn't for the fact he's currently going through the mental changes. Mood swings, overly clingy, outbursts and just being really scary sometimes is all he's been doing lately.

"You can't be alone with him." Bonnie points to where he thinks your dad is.

There was another argument between you and your dad. He slammed a door shut, making you jump, but since Bonnie was holding you, he heard and felt your fear – even if it lasted a second. That was all he needed to view your dad as a danger to you.

"Dad, go away," you say.

He opens his mouth about to say something but you snap your fingers and then put one to your lips, all while glaring at him. He stays still for a moment before shaking his head and walking away.

You turn to Bonnie. "There. Now he's gone."

"And how easy would it be for him to just come back when I leave?"

"Bonnie..." You rub your eyes. "Please... I'll be fine. My dad can't do anything to me because he's old and sick."


Just as one final kick to your head, there's finally a knock at the door. The whole reason you're trying to get Bonnie away and in your room. The news reporters are here and really want to talk. You groan and he grabs you, seemingly to make sure you don't open the door, but you have something that's meant to stop him. You were so scared you would have to use it and now that fear has been justified as you look at the tiny device in your hands. It's meant to paralyze him to keep him safe. That doesn't sound right but it's the only option – even for a seemingly harmless situation. Well, it is harmless but just not for Bonnie. He's in the middle of an episode right now so if he comes face to face with people who tend to push touchy questions then...

"Bonnie, honey, I love you and I'm so sorry." You push his shoulders down until he sits on the floor.

"Why? What's wrong?"

You gently place the device into his neck and push the button, instantly making him pass out. You guide him into a laying position before quickly running to the door and opening it.

"Good evening ma'am! Do you have a moment?"

There's a part of you that is really tempted to simply go 'Nope!' and slam the door but since there's currently a giant lens staring into your soul, you can't bring yourself to do it. You just nod slowly and blankly stare at the reporter and all her layers of makeup.

"There's word going around that Bonnie is infected, is this true?"

Is that not obvious?


"Is he here right now?"


"Can we talk to him?"


The reporter frowns. "How long ago was he infected?"

"A little over a week."

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now