Chapter 5: Happy Place

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Bonnie shifts slightly as the sun is back to being high in the sky after a practically calm night of laying next to you. Despite having low energy, he can't manage to fall asleep so he's just left to stare at you. At least he's got sleepwear since you apparently kept all his clothes. He did explain what happened to him to you, with the dump and finding his way here, and you're still holding a hand to his knee that was previously broken protectively. You also mentioned that you'll be bringing him to one of the slums that holds animatronics, the slum that Penny and Roxy – the two he met the night previous – are from apparently. Bonnie still can't get over how he has become so precious to animatronics, since – as you explained – everyone knows that he wasn't infected before being thrown out with the temporary shutdown, meaning he is acting as a tiny ray of hope for everyone. He's not yet touched by the Devil's Infection.


This sitting in silence is the same as when he was in the shower, and everything is firmly planting itself in his mind, which he hates. Yes, the situation he's in is serious but he doesn't want to think about it. Everything is so awfully different that it's simply too much for him and if he imagines too much about it, he'll crumble, which is something he can't do since it'll make everything worse so he's just stuck in a limbo of feelings. Having you next to him is soothing, however, so he merely focuses on that. Even whilst asleep, you are tense. This is the most relaxed you've been since Bonnie reunited with you but even now, your face is slightly scrunched into a frown and your whole body is clearly uncomfortable. How do you fall asleep in this condition? The only part of you that is fully relaxed is your hand that is resting on his knee, while the other one is gripping onto the pillow like there's no tomorrow. Your breathing is shallow as well. You're definitely asleep since Bonnie has tapped your hand multiple times and you haven't even flinched. It would be heartbreaking to think that this is as relaxed as you can get since, for some reason, Bonnie hates it when you're tense because that usually means that you aren't happy.


Things are too quiet. There hasn't been a house noise or anything for ages and it's starting to get to Bonnie, so he shifts closer to you, just enough so he can hold your arm with your head next to his chest. He's hesitant to completely start to cuddle you because he had tried to before but you merely rolled away. That's yet another thing on his mind. His relationship with you and how that's going to turn out after ten years of being apart. It wasn't that long for him so he can't help but act like it is just the same, but with you, you probably adapted to not having him around and being without a lover. Alone. You went through so much all by yourself. The outbreak of Devil's Infection, its spreading, the deaths of Freddy, Chica, Foxy and Golden Freddy, your dad spiralling even further down, losing Bonnie for ten years. Nobody was there to comfort you. Bonnie can't help but think about how long it will take for you to get used to having him around again and to heal from all the trauma. Maybe you'll never heal from it and being honest, Bonnie can't blame you since he didn't even experience it firsthand and is already falling apart. If he reads that info book about the whole thing then he'll better understand everything but he doesn't want to do that right now for some reason, despite the fact that just the day previous he was begging for answers. He can't do it. Not right now at least.


As more sunlight fills the room you begin to wake up, mumbling as you do. You rub your face and roll over so you can grab the clock sitting on the bedside table and look at it, only to drop it while groaning. Bonnie shifts closer and pulls your shoulder to move you onto your back so you can look at each other. He catches the smallest and quickest smile on your face when you make eye contact but it immediately disappears.

"Morning..." Bonnie says.


You rub your face again and sit up while he stays still, merely staring at you as you stretch, eventually getting up. There's that 'rushing' feeling you're giving off again since back when none of this was even remotely close to happening, the usual morning routine for you was waking up and then staying in bed for ages until you absolutely had to get up – even if that sometimes was Bonnie dragging you out. Here you are now, however, already up, dressed, and leaving in barely even a minute.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now