Chapter 1: Morning, Sleepyhead

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Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Pain. Everything is black. No, it's not. Or is it? Everything is tingling. What happened? Why are things so claustrophobic? This isn't right. Bonnie tries to move but finds that he can't even lift a finger. He can't even open his eyes. The more he wakes up, the more panic sets in. He tries to move again but still nothing so he tries to talk or make any sort of noise and still can't. He can't do anything. The last thing he remembers is being in hospital, in a bed, and not wherever he is right now. He suspects that he's in a box of some sort because he can feel walls around him, touching his arms, feet, and ears. He keeps trying to move his head to the side as if he was trying to push a giant boulder and eventually manages to do so. More accurately, he manages to snap his neck to the side since the second his head moved a very loud crack was heard like his neck was locked in place and he just broke the lock. Very slowly, more pops, cracks, and snaps are heard as he starts to move more of his limbs. Finally, after every other part of him has moved, he can open his eyes but he's only greeted by more blackness, except for a tiny hole in a box he is defiantly inside of. It seems to be an opening of some sort. Damage to the box. A way out. Bonnie lifts his arm, only for it to flop back down on his chest as it can't support its own weight, so he whacks it up against one of the walls to get it working. It hurts like absolute hell but it's enough so he's able to inspect the hole, seemingly to the outside, with his hand. He pushes into it and some loud creaking is heard as the whole wall of the box moves like it was stuck for years. He keeps pushing after whacking his leg to use it as well, and eventually, the wall topples over, sending blinding sunlight into the box.


Bonnie stays there for a moment to let his eyes adjust, before slowly crawling out with pain shooting through him as all his joints start to move again, carrying his weight. He stays looking at the dirt ground – as he can't lift his head – until something hits him in the back of the head. He turns around to whatever it was and sees a crumpled tin can on the floor so he turns to look completely behind him. A giant pile of garbage greets him. Now he has the strength to look around but he just sees more garbage; seas of it are everywhere. He's in a dump. Bonnie stands as best he can, while whipping his head around to really make sure he knows where he is. This is just a bad dream. He takes one step and immediately falls to the floor as his legs can't take the weight after doing nothing for who knows how long. He flips over onto his back, whimpering in pain, so he can make sure there isn't anything seriously wrong. He does the thing that Rob had told him to do to make sure he's functioning properly without having anyone to do it, which is shove his hand down the back of his neck – inside his actual animatronic suit – and press a button in there. A high pitch beep means everything is working fine, and a low beep means that something is wrong. He presses the button after finding it and gets greeted by a low beep to confirm the obvious. A glitch-like voice starts to talk from there to tell him what's wrong.

"Joints have been locked due to not moving for long periods of time. Still trying to correct," it says.

"H-how long was I out?"

"Estimated time of shutdown... Five years."

Bonnie's eyes widen. That can't be right.

"Repeat that."

"Estimated time of shutdown... Five years."

He shakes his head. It's broken. There is no way he's been gone for five whole years. Bonnie flips back over onto his stomach and starts to crawl over to a semi-broken table so he can help himself balance once he tries standing up again. He finds a large stick next to it so he grabs that as well as he hoists himself up, trying his best to ignore the pain. Once he's standing and leaning on the stick, he just sort of stays there for a while. Five years? How did he get here, in a dump? He shakes his head. The five years isn't true and he's sure he'll find out how he got here.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now