Chapter 13: Help

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You cover your ears again as a kind old lady consoles you, slowly rubbing your back. Everyone is looking back and forth at each other as their whispers get filled with more concern. You can't make out what they're saying since everything is drowned out by Bonnie's constant screaming. Although it isn't the first time you've heard screaming like this, you still can't bear it so you have to try and block it out to stop yourself from yelling out. It doesn't help that it's Bonnie in there. He's gone through a lot of pain, both emotionally and physically, but nothing could've prepared him for this. The worst part is, is that the doctors can't do much. The only thing they can do is knock him out if things go too far since if they do it too soon, there's a chance he won't wake up. They're mainly just monitoring to make sure it doesn't go that far, he doesn't hurt himself or fall off the bed. Everything else is out of their control. They just have to watch as Bonnie screams and aggressively rolls around on the bed. His head feels like it's slowly splitting open, his body constantly seizing up before violently releasing, making him twist and turn, wrenching his abdomen upwards before slamming down on the bed. The only time they can intervene, aside from knocking him out, is to stop him from hurting himself, which he's already attempted. He'll shove his fingers down the openings of his animatronic suit – most notably his neck and where his ears connect with his head – so he can pull as if trying to rip himself open to distract from the bigger pain in his head. He'll try to hit himself, snap wires or roll off the bed. All to force himself to ignore the feeling of something burrowing into his mind, stretching it and splitting it open.


Multiple doctors surround him, waiting for the word to sedate Bonnie – if needed – but they aren't left to stand by for long since out of nowhere, he screams even louder like he just snapped a joint. He jumps up into a sitting position, holding tense hands to his head while digging his fingers into his temple and screaming to make it stop.

"Give him the sedative!!"

Now the issue is trying to get it in him without causing more pain since they have to insert a small tube into his neck and then pump it into him. A troublesome task but necessary for animatronics. With all Bonnie's rapid movements and violent shaking, they have to make a drastic decision which is to hold him down. Due to the spastic movements, and damage to wires or metal parts from the twists and turns, this can be described as some sort of seizure so restricting him will potentially cause even more damage. Such a delicate process but doable. It has to be quick so all the doctors get into different spots around him, ready to grab him while one prepares to sedate him. At the count of three, they hold him still to the best of their abilities and as soon as the tube is shoved into his neck everyone lets go. A mere few seconds could've made everything worse. Slowly, Bonnie grows quieter and stops moving as his eyelids drop and soon, he passes out.


A collective sigh of relief is shared by everyone that could hear the screaming and you finally remove your hands from your ears, looking up from the floor. Dr. Kin appears around the corner and motions for you so you stand up after the old lady gently pats your back. When you arrive at Bonnie's room and step in, you shake your head and hold off tears. He's passed out while some doctors move him into a more comfortable position with oily stains streaking down his face – some dripping out of his slightly open mouth.

"Has he had any medical issues in the past?" Dr. Kin asks.

"Yes. A lot. He was always going into hospital, but it was usually nothing serious apart from one or two instances."

"Hm." He nods. "Well, we've got him in a stable position and with the dose we gave him, he's not scheduled to wake up until sometime tomorrow so you're free to leave."

You huff. Although you know there is no point in staying since you'll be stuck in the waiting room due to Bonnie having to be closely monitored until he wakes up, meaning you can't stay in his room, you aren't happy you'll be leaving. Just seeing him now in this condition makes almost every part of you want to stay but you can't since this place isn't like most hospitals where you can stay overnight as a visitor. Dr. Kin apologizes and you just shake your head slowly as he walks with you to the exit.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now