Chapter 36: It's All True

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Never once has Bonnie thought he would end up sitting in a dimly lit room, handcuffed to a table with guns ready to be fired right behind him as he talks to whoever this is in front of him. Yet here he is. It's that interview thing Apollo briefly mentioned and he's already hating it.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and you are to answer truthfu—"

"Get to the point." Bonnie stares this poor man down.

"Um, ahem. Ok..." He fiddles with some papers in his hands. "What type are you?"

"Neither apparently."

"Could you explain further?"


"Alright. Do you remember how you became infected?"


"Which was...?"

"Desmond Steel did it."

"I see. Reports say you have a history with him."


The man leans forward slightly. "Well?"

"He was part of the team sent to build me. Once the boss' daughter came in, he lost his mind. A lot of stuff happened and now here we are."

"Yes, and it's also said that you personally know the boss and used to have a... connection with his daughter. Is that true?"

"What do you mean 'used to'? She's still my girlfriend. Even if I'm locked up in here."

"But who's to say she hasn't moved on, thinking that she'll never see you again?"

Bonnie growls at the man, slightly dragging his claws along the table, making the guards around him ready themselves.

"Ok. Ok. Calm down. Moving on." He waves his hands. "Do you remember the place you worked at before the outbreak? Your coworkers maybe?"

"Yes." Bonnie looks off to the side. "Is this just a memory test?"

"No." He flicks through some papers. "How about we ask something different then?"

Bonnie glares at him as a sudden smile appears on his face before dropping almost immediately. He already wants to kill this guy.

"The event that led you here. You had killed a fellow animatronic named Penny."

"What about her?"

"Do you regret killing her?"


"Alright... There are reports saying you were acting very animal-like, growling and hissing, not being able to communicate properly, and even having a habit of sitting in animal positions. Are you aware of those actions?"

"How do you know those reports are true?"

"Oh, we know. First hand. I mean, video footage was given to us and you even just growled at me then. It's pretty obvious. And no, that's not normal behaviour for the infected."

"Then no... I wasn't aware..."

That was mostly the truth. Bonnie knew he was doing things like that but he was doing it without thinking, almost like that's what he's always done and is just second nature. Is he really acting like an animal?

"Alright." The man spins his pen around his finger.


More and more questions, all basically the same. For some reason, Bonnie does in fact answer with the truth. There isn't anything more that could go wrong – he thinks – so to hell with it. He'll give this man all the awful details, especially when he starts asking more sensitive questions.

"Have you ever thought about eating a human being?"

"A little."

"Would you do so if given the opportunity?"



"The situation as a whole and who it is."

"If – let's say – you were in a situation where you really wanted to eat somebody, like the urge is too strong but y/n, your lover, told you that they don't want you to. What would you do?"

"Again, it depends on who it is."


"Y/n's a sweet little soul so I doubt I'll ever be given the ok to do something like that, but if it was someone that was causing her harm then... yeah, I would do it. She stopped me from ending that guy at her workplace after all."

"Do you wish you could've killed him?"


"How would you have done so?"

"Strangling him."

The man stares at Bonnie for a moment. "How do you think y/n would react if you did kill that man then and there? What would she think of you?"

Bonnie stops and stares back. "I-I... I don't know..."

"Ok." The man gathers his papers. "We're done here. You'll be escorted back to your room shortly."

Bonnie doesn't move, just sits and spaces out, repeating that question over and over in his mind. How would you react? He'll have to find out someday as he's already killed somebody, right in front of you. Penny was going to hurt you though. He had no choice. That makes it ok. Right?


"How'd it go in there?" Apollo asks.

"I thought he was supposed to be the bubbly and cute one? Not a stone face, emotionless wreck."

Apollo chuckles. "That's only going to get worse. Now! The results."

"Well, his memory is perfect. He is showing signs of a type two but seemingly with type one and another type mixed in there. No regret for the life he took at all. Animalistic behaviour is still there but he seemingly has better control of it now and appears to be in a bent normal faze. Like the virus has only just finished settling in his body."

"Good. Good. Did you find out who infected him?"

"None other than Vincent himself."

"Aaahhh. That explains a lot." Apollo turns to him. "Do you think cherub over there has got a unique type of the virus?"

"Wouldn't surprise me, sir."

"Hmm. Let's keep that in mind. For now, leave him be and tomorrow we might introduce him to the rest and let his new life begin. Shall we?"

"I think that's a brilliant idea."

They laugh with each other as Bonnie is escorted back to his room.

He can't stop thinking about that animalistic behaviour.

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now