Epilogue: What Happens Next?

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What's this? I'm adding another chapter? But I said I was done??

A lot were asking me about what comes next since I left it very open ended. I did that so you could make up your own endings but I completely understand the need to know from me as I've been in that position myself.

If you don't want you're own ending squandered then don't read this. If you'd like you're curiosity to be filled or want a guide for your own ending then continue on.

This is a summary of what I as the writer would do if writing what happens next after the ending. If you don't agree and think something different, that's totally fine! There is no such thing as correct in terms of the the future for this story. It is an xreader for a reason.

It's not an actual, properly written 'story chapter' but instead a quick overview as I walk you through what happens. I'll leave the little details up to you as I still want to have the open ended aspect. As well as the 'true true' ending, like what you choose to do with Bonnie when everything settles down. Do you want to get married? Adopt? Become overlords of the planet? Whatever you want. This will just be the stepping stones.

Let's begin.


Directly after - Few months:
Tyler kept his promise and made quick work on creating a cure. The plan was to spread it the same way the virus was, but with the help of Montal and the creation of a cure hitting global News, it was sent out slightly quicker than the virus, managing to hit the majority under a year. Bonnie was the first one to get it, although the reader was suspicious of him being a test dummy for it. It worked; better than you feared and worse than you hoped. The process was the same as the three week infection process, just in reverse. At the end, all that was needed was to physically heal Bonnie, what with the massive holes ripped into him from the spikes and abuse from Apollo.

Months - Few Years:
Not everyone got the cure, however. A lot were still hidden away, completely away from society and too untrusting to believe it was a cure. Some were just simply too far gone and were put out of their misery. The population of animatronics across the world was halved by the end, with the uncertainty of it growing never going away. The relationship between human and robot shows to have been permanently damaged as mental scars will never seem to heal. Humans don't like animatronics because of the loved ones killed or personal injury, and animatronics don't like humans because of how they turned their back on them and they were the ones to give them the virus. In more basic form. To humans: Who's to say animatronics won't turn bad again, from their own will or another virus. To animatronics: Who's to say humans won't give them another virus or try and have them eradicated due to the previous. Bonnie and the reader develop mental issues and scars from the whole events. Bonnie gets severe PTSD,  iatrophobia (fear of doctors), and a slew of anxiety and depression issues to scratch the surface. The reader and their dad completely cut ties and never speak again. Soon, your dad disappears, abandoning his mansion, money and all his belongings. After a search, he's found dead by suicide. Freddy is seemingly the most ok out of the family, but still hasn't come to terms with the time skip he went through, making him often confused and still believing he's back before he was shut down, asking where Chica and Foxy are before realising, again, they are no more. He distracts himself by looking after the reader and Bonnie.

The entire situation mellows as everyone fully understands that there's no need to fear anymore and that the virus is gone. Humans and animatronics slowly begin to trust each other again but it still seems like there will always be some sort of hatred between the two, even if silent. News announces that seemingly every animatronic is cured and gives a thank you to Bonnie, Freddy and the reader for being the key to stopping it. Animatronics give a more hearty thanks to Bonnie specifically, with showers of love and empathy. Bonnie still struggles with metal issues but they become more manageable over the years - the same going for the reader and Freddy, as well as the entire world. The reader and Bonnie finally get the time to focus on themselves as a couple and really look to the future and what they want with each other - which I will leave entirely up to you don't bother asking - as they slowly rekindle what they had back in the 'A Malfunction?' days. The talk of bringing back the lost animatronics, like they did to Freddy, is hushed, meaning it's probably not going to happen in your lifetime or even at all. The time and cost spent to bring Freddy back as the same man was more than one could imagine, and with how many animatronics that were lost, it's almost impossible to do.

The world is free from the virus but that was only one issue solved, with new ones following. Though not as horrible as the virus, they are still issues that cause quarrel and controversy between the human and robot. Everyone has come out changed and hurt from it and the ten years of torment is one that won't be soon forgotten or healed. It's not the sunshine and happily ever after some of you may have wanted but it what seems the most realistic to me. One can't just come out of that all well and good.

Of course, to reiterate what I said at the start, you don't have to agree with this. If you want the perfect sunshine ending then you go ahead and have that ending. I made it open ended and skipped the epilogue for this freedom to give to you. The entire premise of an xreader is to put yourself in the story and if I constantly restrict that from you, then it wouldn't be the sort of experience I would like to give. I know that the whole story is exactly that, me telling you what you did like you're my toy, but that's just how these stories come out. Some like it, some don't. This is why I want to repay you all with this sudden freedom to make up whatever you want with this final installment.

It's my way of saying goodbye to this story and giving you the reigns.

If you'd like to write up your own future - or even sequel - please tell me! I'd love to see and if you post it publicly I'd love to shout you out and tell everyone how great you are. If you want to keep it between the two of us, that's also fine. Again, you're in control now.

Any questions for anything I may have missed, feel free to ask.

Thank you all again for reading and I love you all <3

Virus (Sequel To 'A Malfunction?')(Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now