Chapter 5

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When Sabrina got home and changed into her new outfit. ( outfit above )

When she looked in the mirror, she felt really confident with herself.

It was only 2:00 so she at at her vanity to do her makeup but then forgot that she didn't buy any makeup.

She got back into her car and drove back to the mall. She could never get sick of the mall.

First she went to Sephora, then Mac then Bare Minerals and finally Ulta. She spent at least $2,000 dollars on new makeup.

As still had time since it was only 3:45 so she went to Starbucks. And guess who was still there... Bradley.

This time Bradley was also with Piper. But honestly Sabrina didn't really even care that much because she was going on her date with Peyton.

She got her drink and as she was about to leave someone stopped her.

"OMG, Sabby you look amazing!"

"Awe thanks Pipes"

"So, Sabby... Where are you off to?"

"Oh... I'm going on a date..." Sabrina blushed, "with Peyton"


The two girls giggles which caused Bradley to walk over.

"Who is this? Is it an old friend from NYC?"

Sabrina laughed. "No Bradley, it's me... Sabrina."

Bradley stared at her confused. "Bradley, you know Sabby, Bri, SABRINA?"

"Wow, Brads I can't believe you don't remember me! I saw you like an hour ago!"

Finally, Bradley recognized her. "Hold up, Bri... That's you?!?!"

"Um, yah?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't recognize you. You look so, different!"

Piper budges in. "I think Sabby looks AMAZING!"

"Well, sweetie I never did it was a bad different did I?" Bradley laughs, trying to hold back his barf after calling her 'sweetie'.

Sabrina finally spoke up, "Anyways, I'm going to get some Christmas shopping done. Care to join?"

"YASSS" Piper replied.

They walked away while Bradley trailed behind thinking...

'Where is Bri even going? Damn I sure do with Sabrina Ann-Lynn Carpenter was mine instead of... Ugh, Piper Curda... She's pretty and kind and all but, she's nothing like my little Bri. Wait! BRADLEY SNAP OUT OF IT YOU HAVE AN AMAZING GIRLFRIEND WHO YOU REALLY LOVE. Wait, no you don't... SHUT IT BRADLEY JUST SHUT IT'



Anyways... Here are the questions.

1. What will Bradley think about Sabrina and Peyton going on their date?
2. What will Sabrina and Peyton do on their date?
3. Why is Bradley acting like this all of a sudden?


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