Chapter 13

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Bradley's POV
No.. This can't be happening... Piper is kissing Austin!! Her ex boyfriend and my ex best friend!!!

Piper's POV
"Bradley wait!"
"No piper, I'm done"
"What do you mean you're done"
"I mean we're done piper.. it's over"
"Brads... come on.. please don't leave."
"No, I'm sorry Piper I just can't do this"

Then the best thing that ever happened to me walked away with tears rolling down his face.

Bradley's POV
There is only one person I can talk to right now. I don't care who she's with or whether or not she wants to see me. I need to go see Sabrina.


OMG it's been tooooo longgggg! ): school is starting tomorrow!! why am I excited? idk. anyways there's another chapter after this one!


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