Chapter 11

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Bradley's POV

Piper and I are at the Carnival right now. I need to get over Sabrina already... But, it's just way too hard.

She's going out with Peyton's and she looks really happy, I don't want to ruin that for her.

I never had a chance with her anyways, she never felt the same way as I ever did. She'll never fell that way about me.

When I first started to like her, in first grade... AKA 10 YEARS AGO! She was just like any other girl... Not ugly and not pretty. She was just, normal... But special.

When I saw her at Starbucks a few days ago she wasn't pretty, ugly OR NORMAL. She was... Gorgeous.

Sabrina is truly my dream girl. But it's too late. She's dating Peyton and I'm dating Piper.

Piper's POV

Lately Bradley has been acting weird. Talking about the the person he really loves is going out with someone else, I mean... HELLO I'M RIGHT HERE DUMMY!

Anyways, I bright him to the doctors office too see what was wrong and it turns out Bradley was heartbroken and jealous.

But worst of all, Bradley ... My happy jumpy boyfriend, is depressed.

Bradley's POV

I'm falling for Sabrina... And I'm falling hard.

Whhhaaaaatttt 2 chapters!😂 hope you like it:)))


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