Chapter 4

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Sabrina turned around and obviously... There was Bradley. He had the biggest smile on his face. While Sabrina's smile faded.

"I was so worried about you!" Said Bradley.

Sabrina rolled her eyes and mumbled, "of corse you were." Then she walked away but Bradley caught up to her and said...

"Wait, what does that mean?"

"Nevermind it's nothing Brads!"

"Tell me Bri" demand Bradley.

"No, I have to go Bradley."

Sabrina turned to walk away but Bradley grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"No you don't, now talk Sabrina."

"Bradley let go, I have to go!"

Then Sabrina got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Um, hi Sabrina... It's Peyton, Peyton Meyer"

"Oh hi!"

"Anyways, I was wondering... If you wanted to go out sometime?"

Sabrina face lit up while Bradley stated in confusion.

"YES! I mean yeah sure... That sounds awesome!"

"Great, pick you up tonight at... 6-ish?"

"Yeah sure"

"Okay, see you tonight beautiful"

Sabrina blushed... "Kay see you" the she hung up.

"Bri, who was that?"

"None of your business Brads... Now. Let go, I have a date to get ready for!"

Bradley let go while Sabrina walked away with the biggest smile on her face while Bradley stood there looking really sad.

Then he heard Piper...

"Babe, why do you look so blue?"

"Well... Because the person I really love is going on a date with somebody else..."

"What, I'm not going on a date with anybody but you Bradley!"

"I know, but the thing is... I'm not talking about you Piper!"

Piper looks at him very confused and laughs at him.

"Silly, are you feeling okay? Let's go get some Starbucks!"

Bradley rolled his eyes and replied.

"Yah sure, whatever"

Then Piper dragged him away to Starbucks.


Yah I made it a little longer....

1. What is Bradley going to do about Sabrina and her date?
2. What does Piper think about Bradley's attitude?
3. What's going to happen on Sabrina and Peyton's date?


- Alex💞

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