Chapter Three: Everywhere!

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Triss and I sat at our usual table in the cafeteria while ignoring the buzzing noise around us. "So what's the other bad news?" I asked after I went over what happened to Triss. She took it better than I expected.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"You said there were two bad news. The first one was about the poem-" I winced. The school wasn't about to let me live it down yet. Some students who were passing me by even had the nerve to quote some lines. Stabbing my food with a fork, I continued, "What's the other one?"

Triss looked at me worriedly. "Uh . . . you sure you want to know? You're already in a pretty sour mood right now."

"Tell me," I insisted. What kind of news could possibly be worse than what I already have?

Triss gulped before answering. "Ryan Evans gave a response to you via posting it on facebook. He said and I quote, 'Maybe we could go out sometime, sweetheart.' Then it had a winking emoji at the end."

"The freakin' egoistical manwhore." No surprise there. I can't even believe I ever found him cute. That personality is totally a turn off.


"There's more to it?"

"I originally didn't plan on telling you this but I figured you might as well know," she confessed and ate a spoon of her food.

"What is it?" I asked, doing the same with my food.

"Evans's back in town."

"Great," I groaned. "Just great. As if one nincompoop isn't enough."


My two favorite subjects were English and Maths. I liked words and the magic it creates when building a story - when building a world. Words have this power to make you feel and have you see a place beyond your own. While Math, I wouldn't say I'm a genius at it, but it was easy enough. And it seems like I got it more than the average of my class. For me, it was a mixture of creativity and technicality. Sometimes you just had to follow an equation but sometimes, you'll have to think more than that and maybe come up with something of your own.

Sadly, I wasn't in one of them right now. My eyes were getting heavy as I forced myself to take every word my French teacher said. But the attempt only seemed to take me farther into la la land.

As I suppressed a yawn quite ineffectively, I looked down at my notebook and the scrambled writings. Just like the first twenty minutes of the class, I was writing down notes but just like every minute after twenty, my mind was drifting away.

I think of home and what I should read this weekend caused I jut finished another series. I mean, should I reread or find something new? Then the thoughts of reading led me to Triss. She and I had a sleepover last Thursday and we both ended up like zombie-minded students the next. We didn't exactly get any sleep unless you consider blinking.

We probably shouldn't hold sleepovers during a school night. In our defense, aside from having fun, we had to rush writing our paper and I had to solve some Pre-Calculus homework while she had to work on something I don't remember which, as we regretted that day, only did at four in the morning. With a dazed mind, it took us three and a half hours to finish it.

Speaking of that day, I hadn't gotten back at Grey for putting a huge rock in my backpack that I decided to carry all day! I thought it was the lack of sleep that made the bag heavier only to find out at my last class, a rock the size of my foot was inside.

Why did I have to bring my bag with me all day, you ask? Well, said homework in Pre-Calculus have to be kept safe in case Grey got a hold of it in my locker. It wouldn't be the first time he destroyed a homework. Well, this only happens with the subject I have with him which unfortunately, I had three.

Just how easy would my life be without him?

My lips turned to recoil as I remembered everyone's faces as they saw me bring out a huge rock along with my homework in the middle of the class. I didn't care at that time because I was busy fuming and throwing daggers at a smirking Grey.

I blushed. I probably should've thought better of it.

Ugh, I need to think of something. How do I get back? Years of pranking and I'm losing ideas!

Plus, the poem! I haven't done any revenge for that too. I can't just let him get away with two things!

The bell rang as Ms. Evans dismissed us and that snapped me out of my own thought. I started packing my things and even checked inside my bag just to be sure there's no rock inside.

Had I daydreamed that long? I asked myself as I watched everyone get out of their seats and head for their next class.


After my last class which I had the misfortune of having it with Grey, I headed directly to the club room while grumpily treading through the crowded hallway. I'm not really excited to see Grey's face for the first meeting.

I had enough of it for the last hour.

Rounding a corner, I found the next hallway deserted. Probably because its basically the hallway where offices, extra rooms, storerooms were located. "Hey, Ape," someone talked behind me so I jumped in surprise and clutched the straps of my backpack.

"Don't call me that," I gritted. It made my name sound like a monkey! It was April and there's no other way to put it.

Smiling down at my annoyed face, he continued to walk beside me so I started hurrying my pace. "So . . ."

I ignored him, trying to send my message through my expression and body language or if he's so stupid that he can't read, I tried shouting inside my head. Perhaps if I yelled it enough in my mind, it might come true.

Let the ground swallow him up and never be returned.

"You know, Ape-" I exhaled loudly, silently telling him to go bother someone else. "Maybe this time, you'll finally admit you're infatuation with me once you see just how much of a catch I really am. The working together should help with that."

I halted.

Woah, woah, woah. The arrogant, egoistical son of the devil? Where did that come from?

"Uh . . . what?" I faced him to see his grinning I'm-messing-with-you face. A shame, such looks should have been paired with a more pleasant personality. "Get lost, Greyson. And please, don't ever come near me unless necessary," I said before walking ahead to keep a large distance between us. The only necessary time he'll have to be in a hearing space should be strictly on classes and rehearsals - which was, still a few steps away.

Of course, he didn't really get the clear message and effortlessly walked alongside my fast strides. "And by near-"

Irked, I stopped and turned to see he did too. I started gesturing my hands wildly in front of me, to my sides, behind me and even to the ceiling before I flailed them around. "Everywhere!" I exclaimed.

Smirking, he brought his face down to my level and stared at my eyes. If he wasn't such a jerk, those orbs would've captivated me. They were alluring and it had this natural pull that draws people in. It was the color of the clouds when it brought disturbances on Earth. It was stormy grey. Beautiful. Just like the rest of him. But not to me. All I see is the stormy eyes of an equally stormy personality. Destructive. "Oh, but where's the fun in that?" He whispered, voice so low I almost strained my ears to hear.

Glaring while trying not to notice the close proximity of our faces, I said, "Why don't you go make someone else's life miserable?" I questioned, using the same level of voice.

Scanning my face with a smile, he put his gaze back to my eyes, "Fortunately, I like giving you hell," he whispered. With that he stormed off ahead of me while I watched him go until he turned around a corner where the club should be.

I huffed. At least he was leaving me alone.

For now.


Author's Note:

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