Chapter 50: Tests

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Kate sat on the bed, leaning forward, her head in her hands.

It was difficult not to give in to complete despair. Matias was now confined somewhere else on the ship and could do nothing to help her. The others - Gemma, Laura and Amisha along with the remaining three alien men - may have been forced to abandon them. Or worse still - killed. Her only hope - and it wasn’t a very reassuring one - was that she was more use to the alien admiral alive than dead. But the idea of tests filled her with terror and - she had to be honest with herself - she doubted she would have sufficient courage to prevent herself from revealing the location of Earth.

Still she thought, in an effort to rally herself, I’m still alive, unharmed and fit. There was always hope.

She jumped as the door hissed open and the two guards who had escorted her from the bridge stepped inside.

“Time to see whether you really are as human as Matias claims,” said the creepy one. 

The other said nothing but simply looked at her. They lifted her up from the bed by the arms and led her from the room down a short, straight corridor. Once again she picked up the impulses that flowed from where they held her, one as disgusting as before, the other more shielded, but not hostile.

This ship looked to be identical to the other and she guessed she was in one of the spokes of the larger wheel. Her guess was confirmed as the door at the end slid open to reveal the curving corridor of the wheel stretching in both directions. They turned to the right and shortly after stopped outside a hatchway. Above it was an alien symbol that meant nothing to her.  But its meaning became immediately clear as they went inside, since the room beyond had all the appearance of a medical bay and laboratory. There were several horizontal couches with - she noted fearfully - restraining straps. 

Three more aliens were waiting next to one of these, all dressed in the same black coveralls. With surprise she realised that one of them was a woman, similar in appearance to the alien female she’d already met, but plainly different. Like the men, she was a good head or so taller than Kate. And she was plainly in charge.

“Remove your clothing,” she said to Kate, her face a mask of indifference.

Kate made no move.

“Remove your clothing,” said the alien female again, “or I will order the men to do it for you. I’m sure they’d enjoy that.”

Kate hesitated but, realising she had no choice, opted for removing her clothes herself rather than submit to the hands of the men. It didn’t take long to pull the tee shirt over her head and drop it to the floor.

“And the other,” said the female. 

Kate looked appealingly at the female, hoping for some kind of sympathy, but all she encountered were those golden eyes staring remorselessly into hers. Kate slid her knickers down and stepped out of them.

Helpless is one thing, naked and helpless is another and Kate was unable to suppress the shudder that ran through her body as the four alien males looked her up and down, with no attempt to disguise their examination. After the briefest of glances, the one who had seemed concerned for her, pointedly turned his head away. 

“On the couch,” said the female.

Kate didn’t move.

“Let me explain something that even a species as primitive as yours might understand,” said the female. “You are completely outnumbered and powerless. Any one of us, including myself, has twice your strength - so resistance is both stupid and futile. It will go easier for you if you obey without question.”

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