Chapter 65: Phuket

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“This - ,” said Kate, “ - is heaven.”

The four women were lying on sunbeds next to the infinity pool that appeared to merge with the ocean beyond. A gentle breeze rustled the palms above their heads and the only other sounds were the light footsteps of a barefoot waitress bringing their drinks.

The hotel was perfect: that unique mix of extreme luxury and laid-back informality that very few places in the world could carry off. For three days, the four of them had done very little except laze by the pool or sit talking quietly on the shaded terrace that looked out over lush tropical gardens. There was no timetable, meals simply appeared when ordered, and the only sense of a world beyond was the occasional silver flash of an airliner far, far above, pulling a puffy white vapour trail through the perfect blue sky. Most of their talk turned to the events of the last few weeks and speculation about the fate of the four alien men.

The parting had not been easy. 

As the last hours before departure from the ship had ticked away, conversation both with each other and the aliens had become harder. So many things unsaid, so many questions unanswered, so many doubts about the future.

“If it's difficult for us,” said Gemma, “imagine how much harder it must be for them. We return to a life we know, to a welcome. They face only uncertainty.”

Earlier, as they had all shared an awkward breakfast, the aliens had told them that Irvn and Matias would be staying on the ship, while Teo and Cymon would pilot the shuttle back to Earth.

“We would all come if we could,” said Irvn, looking at Gemma, “but you know we can’t just leave the ship unmanned.”

“In the meantime,” said Matias, “we need to return your things to you.”

“I think I might look a bit out of place turning up at a fancy hotel in army combats and carrying a rifle,” said Amisha. “Not a good look for the pool.”

The others laughed.

“I think, perhaps, it might be better to leave those with us,” said Cymon smiling. “You should find the wardrobes at your hotel already have everything you need. If not, just order what you want and charge it to the room.”

“I’ve never really thought about being a kept woman before,” said Kate, “but I think I could get to like it.”

“Departure is set for 11:00 hours, ship’s time,” said Irvn, “and you will need to leave punctually.”

“How long will it take?” asked Laura.

“Just over four hours,” said Teo, “then about 45 minutes to enter the Earth’s atmosphere and land.”

“So we need to get on, I’m afraid,” said Irvn apologetically. “There are still preparations to be made.”

Three of the aliens left, but Matias remained behind.

“Here are your mobiles, modified as promised,” he said, handing them over. “Each of you now has the others’ names in your address list. Any call you make to each other will be automatically encrypted, so nobody can listen in. Talk for as long as you like - the calls will be free.” 

“Cool,” said Amisha, “How do we contact you?”

“There is a special number I need you all to memorise.”

For the next few minutes the women worked at committing the number to memory, testing each other until Matias was satisfied. Then he left.

*    *    *    *    *

Gemma was returning to her room when she heard footsteps behind her. It was Irvn. He was carrying a round tube which he held out to her.

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