Chapter 48: Ice Queen

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“So this is your little pet?” said the alien admiral, looking at Matias where he stood flanked by two guards. “Does it have a name?”

Kate, also flanked by two guards, stared defiantly back, but said nothing. They were on the bridge of the alien ship, every console manned by an alien male. She had become used to the appearance of the four aliens she already knew, but now - seeing so many of them together - some of her earlier fears returned. This really was an alien species, at first glance all identical: all tall, all with the same iridescent skin and all with the same oversize whirlpool eyes - now fixed hungrily on her. Some looked at her with a suggestion of warmth - an unspoken welcome - but other faces were hard, sharp with lust, looking at her as little more than an object. It didn't help that her space suit had been stripped from her on arrival, so she felt even more vulnerable standing there in just tee shirt and panties.

Their capture and short flight back to the ship had passed in a blur. As the ramp on their shuttle had lowered, they saw that they were surrounded by a circle of space-suited aliens carrying what were obviously weapons. She and Matias had been escorted to the ‘enemy’ shuttle - because that was how Kate now thought of them - while the remainder took possession of their shuttle. Nobody had spoken to either of them and, after docking, they had been brought directly to the ship’s bridge.

“She is not ‘my pet’ as you put it,” replied Matias, “she is as human as we are, from an evolved, intelligent race.”

“I doubt it somehow,” said the alien female, looking Kate up and down, her lips curling into a sneer. “But that’s beside the point. It  - and others like it - could well prove useful in a subordinate capacity.  And who knows - maybe we can successfully breed from them.”

“They are not slaves - and we have no right to treat them as such,” retorted Matias.

“On the contrary, Matias, we have every right: the needs of our people and our superior power give us that right. Slaves is exactly what they’ll be. And once you’ve told us the location of their home planet, we’ll have no shortage of them.”

“You won’t learn its location from me,” said Matias. 

“Oh, I think we will,” she replied, “If not from you, then from your pet.”

Matias turned towards Kate and she could read the fear for her in his eyes. The alien admiral spoke again:

 “Matias, you are to be congratulated for your discovery, even if you and your crewmates had to become criminals and renegades to make it. Under different circumstances we’d be praising you for a hero.”

She turned to the commander:

“Take him away while I decide what to do with him.”

The two guards flanking Matias took him firmly by the arms and led him away, leaving him barely time to cast a single, hopeless look back at Kate. 

“So - ” said the alien admiral turning to Kate, “I know you understand me, since we downloaded the translator when talking with your companions on the other ship. Who - by the way - appear to have abandoned you to your fate.”

“I don’t believe that,” said Kate firmly.

“Believe it or not, they are gone. And if they return they will either be captured like you - or destroyed.”

She paused then went on:

“It would seem Matias has some affection for you, judging by the looks he gives you. But then, when men are desperate for women, they’re seldom very choosy, am I right?’

“You tell me,” said Kate defiantly, noticing out of the corner of her eye the odd smirk among the crew.

The alien female stiffened and took a step forward, forcing Kate to look up into her whirlpool eyes where flecks of red spun angrily. Determined not to blink, Kate stared back

“You’d be advised to watch your tongue. Your fate lies in my hands and I can decide whether it is merely unpleasant - or utterly intolerable.”

She turned to the Commander.

“Take it away and confine it. Arrange for tests to be carried out so we can learn more of its biology. And use the opportunity to learn the location of its home planet - by whatever means necessary.”

Kate’s two guards stepped forward and gripping her firmly by the arms escorted her from the bridge.

As they touched her, she felt the static from both men passing into her - and both were very different. The feelings that reached her from one were vile, perceived by her as dark reds and purples, streaked with ideas of what he’d like to do to her, none of which involved her consent. The other was quite different. She detected sympathy - and anger. But she detected that his anger was not directed at herself, but against the alien female.

Interesting, she thought, then did her level best to cloak her own feelings.

They reached a door that slid open and took her inside. It was very like her sleeping quarters on the other ship, but with no sign of a second room.

“Looking forward to the tests?” said the unpleasant one. “I am,” he leered. “Better rest now - you’re going to need your strength.”

The other said nothing but briefly caught Kate’s eyes with a look of -  was it concern? A moment later, the door hissed shut behind them.

© Adriana Nicolas 2014 

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