Chapter 67: Consequences

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"Uh-oh," they're back, said Gemma.

The only blip on the perfection of the women's stay had been four guys, late twenties, early thirties, who from the way they talked - which was very loudly - were Silicon valley types offloading the profits from some social-media enterprise they had just sold out to Google. Arriving two days after the women, they had quickly done their arithmetic: four hotties, four of us - yey!

Their efforts to engage the girls in conversation had been met with polite but short replies, so they had mostly confined themselves to talking loudly within earshot about the goodies their wealth had bought them in the vain hope that this might be a turn-on. Fortunately, they seemed to spend most of their days jet-skiing or para-gliding somewhere down the coast, leaving the women in peace. Today, though, it looked as if they had decided on the pool and one last attempt to impress as they plunged in noisily, splashing and shouting.

Two of them swam over to where the women were lying.

"Hey," said one, "how's it going?"

"Fine, thank you," said Laura, in her very best aloof British manner, returning to her magazine.

"How about joining us for a drink," said the other.

"We're good, thanks," said Amisha.

"Come on ladies," said the first one, "we could show you a good time."

Gemma looked up, lowered her sunglasses and looked directly at him.

"I very much doubt," she said slowly, "that you have the faintest idea what a good time is. And you probably never will."

Replacing her glasses, she sank back against the headrest of her sunbed and gazed at the palm fronds above.

Lost for words, the guys hesitated, then swam away. 'Dykes' said one to the other, but loud enough for the women to hear.

All four women dissolved into laughter.

Shortly after, the men beat a retreat, and peace returned once more to the pool. Laura looked at her watch.

"Time for my facial," she said.

"Oh - and I have a massage booked," said Amisha, "I'm not sure I can stand the pace here - sooo many demands on my time."

She and Laura headed off to the spa.

Gemma reached out and squeezed Kate's hand, feeling the now-familiar tingle as they connected. Since arriving back on Earth, all four women had found they still had the aliens' ability to connect, but there was no way to tell how long it might last.

"I sometimes wonder whether we just dreamed the last two weeks," said Kate.

"I know what you mean," said Gemma, "it all seems so hard to believe. If it wasn't for this - " she said, as their inner selves nudged gently together, "I might think I had dreamed all of it."

"They will be back on Sacmis soon," said Kate. "I hope it goes well for them."

"Do you think they'll come back?"

"I think so," said Kate, and Gemma could tell from the other woman's inner response that she hoped so, too.

Suddenly, Gemma gave a small cry of surprise, gripping Kate's hand even more tightly.

"What?" said Kate, "Gemma, what's the matter?"

Gemma hesitated to answer. 

As her mind's eye had encountered the flickering rainbow-flames of Kate's inner world, her attention had been drawn to something else.

Half-hidden inside Kate's aura was a tiny helix of colours so delicate they were barely visible, almost obscured by the stronger fire of Kate's own self. It seemed to be part of Kate, yet somehow separate.

"Kate," whispered Gemma, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

She felt Kate switching her own point of view for Gemma's.

"I see it," said Kate quietly. "In fact, I sensed something a couple of days ago, but thought nothing of it."

"What does it mean?" said Gemma.

"I think we both know what it means," said Kate quietly.


© Adriana Nicolas 2015

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