Chapter 37: Merging

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“So let’s get this straight,” said Amisha quietly, “just like Gemma’s experience with Irvn, there was no actual sex?”

The three women were sitting in Amisha’s quarters, sipping some more of the ship’s excellent Sauvignon, thoughtfully provided by Cymon, who had hovered hopefully for a while but - receiving no invitation to stay - discreetly retreated.

At first, Laura had been reluctant to share any details of her encounter with Teo, but the turmoil she was feeling had been impossible to hide from the keen eyes of the others - particularly Amisha’s - and she also needed to understand better what had happened by sharing the experience. That - and the fact that they had interrogated her mercilessly.

Amisha: “Come on, Laura, spill. You know you’ll feel better when you have.”

Gemma: “Purely in the interests of science and inter-species understanding, of course.” 

Kate: “It’s your duty as an Earthwoman.”

Now, considering Amisha’s question, Laura struggled to describe exactly how she felt. 

“In some ways,” she said, “I feel like I did just have sex. I can’t say I ever experienced such intimacy with a man before. But, no, there was no contact of a sexual kind. We were just holding each other.” She hesitated for a moment, then added “But I can’t pretend I didn’t want to. If you guys hadn’t called, I’m not sure I could have stopped myself.”

“Perhaps on - what’s the name of their planet?” said Kate.

“ - Sacmis,” said Gemma

“Perhaps on Sacmis that is what passes for sex,”

“I don’t think so said Laura, I felt what - in legal terms - we would call  hard evidence that would suggest otherwise.”

Gemma nodded and the others laughed.

“You both say,” said Kate, looking at Gemma and Laura, “that you were able somehow to actually become him, to exchange identities?”

“Yes,” said Gemma, “one moment I was myself experiencing him, the next moment I was him experiencing me.”

Laura nodded agreement.

“That is seriously kinky,” said Amisha. 

“Just imagine though,” said Kate thoughtfully, twirling a lock of her blonde bob round a finger, “if you had also had proper, physical sex as well. What might that be like?”

This silenced all the women for a moment. Kate spoke first:

“Sorry to bring us down to earth, but what are we going to do about these pods you saw?”

“What can we do?” said Gemma, “other than warn the authorities when we get home. Assuming our new friends stick to their word.”

“And who’d believe us?” said Amisha, “Four barking-mad women talking of Alien abduction, tall dark strangers and electric sex. We’d be laughed at. Or locked up.”

“It all hangs on whether more of their ships could find their way here,” said Laura, ”Then we’re in big trouble. And so are our four guys.”

“Oh, so it’s ‘our’ four guys now, is it?” said Amisha.

“Of course, if we could take back some kind of proof…” said Kate, thinking out loud.

“Such as?” said Gemma.

“DNA. If we had a sample of their DNA, we might be believed. It would be difficult to explain away DNA that’s 10% alien.”

“Good thinking,” said Laura, “and it wouldn’t be hard to do: anything personal, even a cup they’ve drunk from would be enough.”

“Let’s assume they take us back, as promised,” said Gemma, “What really matters then is for them to get as far away from Earth, so they can’t be tracked here by their friends.”

“And go where?” said Laura.

“Not our problem. Don’t forget: we never asked them to abduct us.”

“Not much of a prospect for them, when you think about it,” said Laura.

“There is, of course, another way,” said Kate thoughtfully.

“Which is?” said Amisha.

“They destroy the ship - and return to Earth with us.”

© Adriana Nicolas 2014 

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