Chapter 19: Could I?

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Left alone with nothing but her own thoughts, Gemma began to reflect not just on her present situation, but on her life in general. 

With a shock, she realised she hadn’t thought once of Brian (Male teacher, 35 going on 65, already planning his retirement) since waking up in this strange place with her even stranger jailor. In fact, she  was forced to admit to herself, she very rarely thought of Brian on any occasion when she was away from him. Let alone when she’d been abducted by Aliens. 

Surely that must tell her something about their relationship?

It was a second shock to realise she didn’t miss him one tiny bit. And it was a third shock to realise she was actually quite…excited. Despite the very cold shoulder she’d presented to Irvn.

However sinister his plans for her might be, this was the most interesting thing that had happened to her in a long time. And it certainly beat teaching Year 12. 

There was something just a tiny bit seductive about being chosen from the millions - no - billions of women on Earth. So many beautiful actresses and models they could have snatched. She ran through a short list of her own screen idols…Scarlett Johansson…Romola Garai…Carey Mulligan…Emily Blunt…

Eat your hearts out girls, he chose me! Then - realising how totally off-planet that thought was - she laughed out loud. But then, she realised, she most likely was off-planet.

From any perspective, this was an adventure. And even though Irvn had been candid about his sexual…how should she describe them…plans? Intentions? He so far hadn’t shown any sign of putting them into action. Maybe he really meant what he said about her consent? 

So girl, she asked herself - facing the question head on - could I

Putting aside the fact that she’d only just met him (and suppressing memories of her 1.5 one-night stands - the half being the occasion when she couldn’t even bear to stay after the deed, but ran for it before sleep) she forced herself to consider the possibility.

He certainly had a good figure, tall, broad shoulders, slim hips - and she was sufficiently self-aware to realise what a stereotype this was. So I’m predictable, so what? His skin didn’t bother her, in fact, she was forced to admit that it looked rather lovely…exotic. Apart from the colour, it looked like normal skin, but since he hadn’t touched her (a good sign?) she had no idea what it felt like. The eyes were certainly a challenge, probably the strangest thing about him and very…hypnotic. But what about the rest? What was hidden under those black coveralls? What about his - she couldn’t avoid the thought - willy

Years ago, she’d seen a very helpful visual guide in one of the more daring women’s magazines, that showed multiple pictures of different men’s willies. Helpful because, when she thought about it, it was rare that you got a proper look. While men were naturally delighted for you to take it in your mouth (strictly birthdays and Christmas as far as she was concerned), they got decidedly spooked if you showed any sign of studying it.  Yet when they did precisely the same thing, peering and prodding, they seemed to expect women to be totally relaxed. Half the time you expected them to whip out a magnifying glass. Wannabe gynaecologists, the lot of them.

What the magazine pictures showed was that, while all were different, they were all still pretty much the same. But then, they were all from the same planet. What kind of penis would an alien have, even if that Alien had a near-identical DNA profile? Was the 10% difference located there?

She struggled to suppress a giggle.

Like most things, it was probably proportionate. And that’s quite enough theorising for the moment, she told herself.

© Adriana Nicolas 2014 

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