Chapter 7

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Elektra's pov

Something isn't right
My wings carried me through the forest, dashing towards the place were that lightning struck the earth.
Normal lightnings strike and disappear I'm a second. This one stayed longer....
Not only that, the lightning was way stronger then all the other ones. And it also stayed longer, leaving an explosion as well.
I landed nearby, carefully approaching the source. I smelled the air, recognizing all different types of smells:
The Rain
Stinky old man socks
Burned grass and earth
I peeked through the bushes and gaped at the sight. All these weird men where scattered all over the place. I sniffed at one of them but sneezed and rubbed my nose to get rid of the stench. They didn't smell like those berserker dudes, these smelled worse. And burned as well. But there was something familiar about it. I smelled at their hands again and realized it was Vela's scent. I growled at them.
"What have you done to her?" I snarled even though he wouldn't answer, he was death after all. I scouted untill i saw a familiar shape on the floor.
I dashed towards her, nudging her face. She was covered in blood, her arm was barely recognizable with that much blood. "C-c'mon Vela...wake up!" I licked her cheek, poking her more, but with out luck. I looked around myself once more and fit together the pieces....
Vela must have summoned that lightning...
I didn't knew she had that ability, let alone creating this much power
A whimper brought me back as i looked at her. Vela's body was suddenly twitching, her lips trembling.
"O-oh god Vela, it's me, your ok!" I reached out to nudge her again as she suddenly sparked up, making me jump back with surprise. She curled herself into a ball, making more agonizing noises. As she stopped, her body became heavy again, but her breathing became faster. That weird symbol appeared again, this time slightly disappearing and reappearing, in sync with her breathing.
What the dragonfarts was that...
I heard a groan behind me and i looked back to see a man sitting up.
"...looks like someone survived" i growled. He opened his eyes and let out a yelp. I hissed at him, spreading my wings to protect Vela, but he just jumped up, running away.
Well that was off
Yells and commands where suddenly heard from far away. I looked back at Vela and quickly picked her up.
Whoever these guys where, either backup or not.
They won't take her again.
I spread my wings and made my way back to my home.

As i landed, i gently put down Vela. Her body got colder, due to the rain and her ripped and burnt clothes. I took some twigs and wood to make a fire. Vela sometimes visited me during the cold months, making a fire for herself as we both cuddled together, listening to the cracks of fire. I dropped them into the fireplace, lighting them up. As the fire warmed up, i started to licked her clean. It was the only thing I could do now...
As i cleaned the blood on her arm, i noticed the damage on her. Due to her burned clothes, it was easy to rip it open, but what i saw mad my heart skip a beat. Half her back was open, a giant burn ran down her body till it reached her hips. Her shivers made me look up again. I laid down next to her, wrapping my wing over her and curling my tail next to her. I rested my head next to her, focusing on her breathing as it became normal. The sound of her breath, the rain outside and the crackling fire sound all made me slowly drift into sleep...

Untill i hear footsteps and panting.
My head shot up, growling at the intruder. I got up and approached the entry as a silhouette showed up. Within a second, my claws where around the person's body, pinning him down. He yelped in surprise as i snarled at him.
"Wait wait wait wait wait! Elektra, it's me! Oswald!" He ripped of the cape he wore, making me startled. I let go of him and said "for gods sake old man, i could have killed you!". He got up and petted my nose "it's good to see you big girl, you've grown a lot....but Elektra, i came here for a reason." I tilted my head at him. "Where's Vela? Is she in there? I saw dragon footprints and thought...hoped you maybe had her" i dropped my wings and looked over my shoulder into the cave. He sprinted inside, me right behind him as his hands reached out for her "Vela!". He knelt down, touching her head as lightning appeared again, making Oswald yelp in pain. Vela didn't whimper this time luckly, her body only twitched a little before calming down. The old man carefully reached out to her again, cheking her up. "I need to get her back. Now" he picked her up, carrying her outside. "Woah woah woah woah woah old guy, where are you going?" I blocked his path. "Elektra please, she needs to get treated..."
"And i know that you moron, but If you go by foot it will take ages"
I dropped my wings, showing my back. "......are you saying...." I growled at him. "Get up......why am I even talking to you, you can't understand me!" He got up on me, holding tightly onto me. I jumped down the cliff, making him scream. I soared down through the forest, landing near the village. He got off from he, still holding on to my friend. I nudged him with my tail, making him move. "T-thanks...." He muttered and ran off.

Oswald's pov

With the small girl in my arms, i ran back to the village. I ignored the people's looks they gave me and went straight to Taraji's home. I pushed open the door, to see her treating my unconscious son.
As soon as we saw that lightning strike the island, i knew something was wrong. Most scouts where already back from the scale hunt, except a few, including Vela and Dagur. I emidiatly sent out scouts and we ran out to investigate the situation. We ran into the rest of the children and sent them back to the village. We later found them. Wounded, unconscious or dead men scattered around, including my son, but no sign of Vela. We brought them all back to the village to treat them, but i found dragon footprints inside the mud. I told my men to go back as i had a hope and idea where she could be.
Taraji looked up and a gasp escaped her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes as she ran towards her daughter. "My little girl....Oswald what happened?!" "I....i will explain later" i brought her upstair in her room, even though Taraji insisted to treat her downstairs. I laid her down on her bed, removing her gauntlets and cheeking her arm. Elektra washed off most of the blood, but the wounds on her shoulder and back where still open. The healer came upstairs with cloths and bandaids, putting them down as her eyes analyzed her daughter's body. She pushed me away and touched her arm. "By odin's beard...." She whispered. Vela's hand twitched again and we both looked at her. Whimpers escaped her lips as she leaned her head back, her breathing becoming faster. Taraji reached out but i had a bad feeling. I quickly grabbed her, pulling her back as Vela sparked up again. Taraji let out a yelp, stumbling back out of fear. As soon as Vela's body relaxed again, i reached out, stroking her head to calm her down. "....Oswald...get out" i looked back with confusion. "T-taraji i can...." "Now" as soon as those words left her mouth i left the room, closing it behind me.
Angry woman can be scary.....

I waited next to Dagur's bed in the meantime. He was in a pretty bad shape, but not in danger anymore. I heard a door open and i jumped up, storming upstairs. Taraji's face was expressionless as she ordered me to sit down next to Vela's bed while she sat down on the other side. The young girls upper body was completly wrapped in bandaids.
"Oswald...." The woman took her hand, as she looked at me. Her eyes where puffy and red from tears.
"What happened?"

A longer chapter again brrrrrr

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