Chapter 3

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Vela's pov

Like I promised, only me and Oswald knew of the Skrill. She was young and weak, so I had to take care of her. Everyday, I gave her fish to eat which I took from the village. People sometimes saw me stealing fish, but I told them lies, like making traps for terrible terrors, to practice, which they believed. Dagur thought it was weird, but I couldn't tell him the 'catching dragons' lie, because he would be so excited about it and follow me, which was a too big risk to take. Days passed, and the little dragon grew and became stronger. I didn't have a name for her yet, but I visited her everyday, I told her of the names I though about, but she always shook her head. That was also one of the things that Oswald noticed. She seemed to understand everything we said. "She's smart, even at such a young age" he said while she swallowed the fish. Oswald often accompanied me at the beginning, but he also had other things to do, so he couldn't come that much anymore.
And one day...

"I'm back!" I said, putting down the basket of fish. The dragon was playing in the water, splashing water around untill she noticed me. She squeaked in excitement, running to the basket.
"FISH" Someone yelled. I jumped up in shook, turning around.
Who was that?!
"Hello?" I yelled.
"FISH!" Someone yelled back. I looked around, but saw no one. I climbed over the hill, but still no one.
"YUM!" it was a female voice.
Oh no, did one of the girls in the village follow me?!
I started to panic. Who was it?!
"yummyyyyyy" she said and I heard a satisfied burping sound behind me. I turned around the see the Dragon licking its teeth. She then looked at me and stumbled towards me.
"more!" the same female voice said. I stared at her.
Hold up...
I pointed at her "are you...".
She looked at me, still satisfied. I kneels down, looking straight into her eyes.
"fish?" I said.
The dragon got excited, wagging it's tail.
"FISH?!" the voice said again, at the exact same moment. The dragon put her head on my lab. "MORE FISH!". I was dumbfounded. "YOU CAN TALK?!" I said in disbelieve. She looked up at me, starring with her yellow eyes, tilting her head at the side "fish?". She wasn't opening her mouth to say that, but I still heard it.
Was I... getting mad?
I didn't tell Oswald about me understanding the baby dragon. I didn't even belive it myself.
I was confused. Even a little scared. That day, I barely slept. I didn't understand the small things that made me different form the others.
My blue hair and eyes, my pointy ears, that I could understand dragons... And the lightning...
I didn't know why or how... The question I ask myself everytime was:
Why is this happening to me?
What's wrong with me?

10 years passed since I came to berserker Island. A lot has changed during the time. Me and the other children of the village grew and matured. I even got the Nickname 'Blue Oleander'. A beutifull flower, which was poisonous for dragons. Which was ironic, because I didn't kill dragons, I could never harm Elektra. Elektra was the name I gave her (which she agreed to after a long time). When she got older and bigger, we even had to change her home, because the cavern was to small for her. Now she lived in a bigger, hidden cave at the backside of the village, where no one came. It was a bare place, with almost no boars to hunt on, so it was a save place for her to stay.

Dagur also changed. A lot. He got alot more violent and would go nuts if you say the word 'dragon' near him. I was the only one who could hold him back if he would go crazy. But only sometimes. When it came to oranking Ansson, I was in the plan as well. The only good thing was, that he finally stood up for himself when Ansson bullied him. The bad part about that was, that they often ended up in a fight, even knocking eachother out. Talking about him, Ansson also tried to bully me.
Which was a mistake. (I won't get into detail)
Now he has alot of respect for me, beeing nice and stuff, but as soon as im out of earshot, he switches back. He tried to ruin my friendship with Dagur, more then once. Saying that he was dangerous, and that he could protect me, bla bla bla. But Dagur did have his calm moments. When we both trained together or went on a walk, scouting the area, he was fun to be around with. Even though the relationship with him and his father got worse everytime it came into the conversation. He really seemed to hate Oswald, but I couldn't find out why.

Taraji on the other hand was the sweetest. She adopted me and took care for me, giving me shelter and food. She also showed me some basic healing stuff, so that I could take care of someone's (mostly Dagurs) wounds. She also teaches me how to read and write the language.
Talking about teaching, as soon as I was old enough, they send me to training class. We learned the basic stuff, like fighting with different types of weapons, self defendse, surviving in the wild, hunting, learning about dragons and my least favorite thing : How to kill dragons.
I first had to go to class, but seeing those dragons, stuck inside a cage all day, barely getting anything to eat, forced to fight. It broke my heart to see them like that. I hated going to that class, so I skipped those classes and used them to train Elektra. The good thing was that we learned alot about skrills, so it was easy for me to train her. I teached her how to talk and even hunt. She did need to teach herself how to fly though, I couldn't help her with that. But everything was going smoothly. The berserker never found out that there was a Skrill hiding on their island.

I walked up the path (skipping killing class again), humming a melody as I came closer to Elektras hiding place. I heard Elektra comming out of the cave, purring and nuzzling me. "hey girl" I said, patting her head. "how are you doing?". She looked at me, and tried giving me a smile "I feel fantastic! OMG, Vela, you had to see that salmon I caught! It was soooooooooooooo huge! And delicious may I ad!". I laughed and took out the sketchbook Taraji gave me. She noticed that I enjoyed drawing when she saw my notebook. I made a little journal for myself, drawing all the dragons and putting all their informations in there." Elektra look! " I showed her the sketch I made of Dagur. I wanted to practice drawing humans as well "this is the guy I was talking about, how does it look?". I often told her about Dagur. I mean, he was my best friend after all. Elektra took a close look at the sketch "I expected him to look hotter" she replied "why is his nose so weirdly shaped? It's more hooked then a ". "because it is" I laughed and closed the sketchbook. Elektra tilted her head to the side. I gave her a smile. "what is it?". She looked up at the sky, then nudged me with one wing "you once said that you wanted to experience the feeling of flying, right?". I stared at her, my jaw dropped.

I had motivation, so have fun with this filler episode

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