Chapter 3: Blood Bath

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You choke on your food. "Uhm.. what are you talking about?." You try to play dumb. "We don't normally invite basic humans into our home, you know something." Rosalie snaps. "First, I'm not a normal human and all I know is Cedric or "Edward" died during our uhm...our tournament." You say. "Why did you move to Forks? Because you found out about him or?" Alice snoops. "I didn't know he was alive. My father was able to get a transfer to a job here. He wanted to move to give me a fresh start away from the trauma." "Trauma what trauma?" Alice continues "Alice don't-" Edward says. "No it's okay. Cedric and I got put into the tournament together. As tasks were going we helped each other out. On the last one it was Cedric,Harry and I and Cedric tried to protect all of us and doing so he died, right in front of me." Everyone goes silent. "What kind of tournament did yo-" Alice begins "Just stop! Leave her alone it's none of your business!" Jasper snaps. "Jaspers right. She doesn't know anything that puts us in danger now stop pestering her." Carlisle says. "I should head home. It's been lovely." You get up and walk off. "Wait up." Jasper says and follows you.  "I really should go. Go finish dinner with your family." "I'm the one who drove you here I should take you home." He answers. "I can walk I really don't mind. I like walking I walk to school every day." "Then I'm walking with you let's go" as you were about to leave Cedric stops you. "Leave town y/n I mean it!" He says sternly. "Cedric! I'm not going to leave!" "Just leave her alone Edward." Jasper chimes in. "I'll have to make you leave then." You try stepping back but he pushes you and you fly backwards into the wall falling on a bunch of glass as you fall back down. Everyone rushes to the noise. You're bleeding from your head and one piece was stuck in your side. Jasper rushes to you. "Are you okay?" He tries to put pressure on your side. You wince "I-it's s-stuck.." he looks at where the glass is and pulls it out quickly. "I need to take her to the hospital some one help me!" Cedric looks frightened at what he's done and he runs away. "Everyone else go. I can handle this.." Carlisle says. Jasper has blood all over his hands. "Jasper you should leave. You're new to this you have trouble with blood ." "I'll be fine! Just help her." He says and Carlisle picks you up and takes you to his office.

You ended up passing out as he was stitching you up. He wraps your stomach so the stitches will stay in place. You wake up and Jasper is standing next to you. "You're awake.." he grabs your hand. You just nod. "Let me get you home." He picks you up and lays you in the back seat of his car.  "W...what did he mean around blood..?" You ask slowly. Jasper falls silent for awhile. "When I take you home I'll explain everything. It's time you found out the truth." He says..

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