Chapter 10: Goodbye

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The next day you are getting ready to meet Cedric.

(Your outfit)

Embry decided to tag along just incase the Cullens had set up a trap

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Embry decided to tag along just incase the Cullens had set up a trap. "Wow you look gorgeous.." he says in awe and you kiss his cheek. "Thank you for going with us today." You reply. "It's kinda my job now.." he grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. "Y/n! Embry! We are leaving let's get a move on!" Your father yells from downstairs. "We will meet you there!" You yell back. Instead of driving in a car Embry decided to take you on a run with him. He begins to transform and you jump on his back, your arms wrapping around his neck as he runs quickly through the forest.

In a few moments you had arrived at the Cullens house. Embry transforms back and gets dressed as your father and Amos begin to pull in. "Y-you left after us yet-" Amos begins but shrugs it off. "Careful not to uhm.. bleed it makes his family queasy.." you inform your father and Amos. As you walk in front of the door opens before you can ring the doorbell. "Hi. I'm Esme, Edwards adoptive mom." She greets all of you individually. "Edward and his siblings are setting the table." She adds. "Do you know your children are dating each other?" Your father questions. "Dad! Don't be rude! It's not your business!" You snap "Y/n, these things just aren't making since. If Cedric was alive he would've came back! They must be lying about something! Come on Y/n you knew him better than anyone. He would've came home." Your father adds. "He's not the same anymore.. and it's not their fault. Instead of making accusations you should just be thankful that he is here and that the Cullens saved him and took care of him all these years." Esme puts a hand on your shoulder showing her appreciation. As you finally make it to the kitchen everyone immediately stops and it's complete silence. "My boy.." Amos whispers tears already streaming as he quickly hugs his son. "Why did she bring that dog?" Alice mutters to Jasper even though she was standing right next to you. Instead of acknowledging her he walks up to you. "Hey Y/n how have you been?" He asks. "I'm good, a bit stressed on how everything came out but at least it's not a secret anymore." "Well you look dashing today if I say so myself" Jasper smiles and you begin to blush "I Uh.. thanks.." you mutter shyly. "Uh.. father this is my girlfriend Bella Swan." Cedric says across the room and you immediately gain interest. "Who is that?" You ask Jasper pointing to where Bella was standing. "That's Bella Swan. Edward recently met her and well they kinda just clicked" he explains. You nod and begin to take your seat at the table. Jasper sat on your left and Embry was on your right. Cedric sat across the table in front from you and Bella next to him. "Ah so Ced- I mean Edward why didn't you ever come home? You had a distraught girlfriend, grieving family and friends back home that needed you yet you-" he cuts you off "Y/n please.." he looks at you "Actually.. she has a good point son.. you know how we'd be and you didn't come back.." Cedric sighs "I didn't want to be tempted around you guys.. if I magically appeared from the dead everyone would have questions that I couldn't answer. In the beginning the human blood thirst was so hard to resist I would've killed someone.. it could've been Y/n..Cho..Harry and even you father.. I couldn't risk it. And this group of high powered vampires would've went after me and anyone who knew what I was.. that's why I couldn't tell you or even come back..." he explains and a silence fell between everyone until after lunch.

Cedric walks towards you quickly pinning you against the wall as no one is around. "Ced-" he puts his hand over your mouth and pulls you into one of the rooms. "What was that you tried to pull in there Y/n?!" He snaps. "I didn't know if your muggle girlfriend knew what was going on." You reply. "She does and she's fine with it!" "For now, until it gets to hard to handle." You try to leave but he slams you against the door. "What happened to you y/n?.. Before I died you were distant.. you pushed me away and now you act all interested.." he mutters "I was in love with you.." you whisper and he looks at you confused. "I loved you for years and you chose Cho..I thought if I ignored you I'd get over you easier, but then you died. I just wanted my bestfriend back and when I finally saw you again.. I thought it would be the same.. but it wasn't.." You add. "Y/n I-I" you cut him off "Save it I have to go." You quickly run out of the door before he grabs you once more. "What Cedric!" " I need a favor. I would do it myself but I lost my magic" he pleads.

As the lunch began to wrap up Cedric rounds everyone up with a toast. "Today has been eventful.. full of truth and honesty, but I must protect my family. Father it was great to see you.. one last time. Mr.Harrison you were so great to my father and I and I couldn't thank you enough for producing Y/n, who is my best friend.. sadly I can not let you remember this.. Y/n if you will.." he mutters as tears form in his eyes and they were streaming in yours. "I'm so sorry.."you whisper and pull out your wand. "Obliviate"

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