Chapter 20: Almost the end

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Glass was shattering as each death eater came flying in casting spells. You all fell to the floor trying to get to each other. Finally all your hands were together and you successfully apparated.

"I knew he was crazy!" Ron says panting. "He just lost his daughter Ron." Harry inputs "That didn't tell us much though" Harry sighs "Okay okay let's think this through. We can't stay in one place too long or they will find us" Harry runs his fingers through his hair "Y/n, you and the other muggles including Cedric go in that direction and we will all meet at the old Black Family house" you nod dragging Cedric, Bella and Embry along with you.

You reached the Sirius's old home and it was empty and dusty. "Here we are" they look around at the dark home, it had been empty for years and no one dared to mess with it. The Black's were known to have a long line of craziness in their blood, except for Sirius. He changed it all, he was a trouble maker no doubt but he could never be a cold hearted murderer like the rest of them. "Who used to live here?" Edward asks "Harry's God father and his family, you wouldn't know that though because you didn't come back" you snap and he scoffs "You really need to get over that-" "I'll go check the rooms upstairs you guys stay down here" you cut him off running up the stairs but he follows "You're being childish y/n" you roll your eyes "Childish because I missed my best friend? Because I thought he was dead? I'm sorry that I'm still angry about you literally faking your death!"

"I had to! You wouldn't understand! What I am now comes with consequences Y/n, you knowing comes with consequences! You could die-" "THEN LET ME DIE!" You shout and he looks at you his face full with pain "Don't say that y/n.. I'd never let anything happen to you and you know that" you had tears in your eyes and he cupped your face "I'm sorry I lied to you" your eyes met with his and he leaned down pecking your lips softly. There was a loud bang downstairs and you both pulled away and ran downstairs. "Kreacher! You scared us" "who are these muggles!" He screeches backing away from Bella and Embry. "it's cool they are with us, I promise it's okay" he keeps by your leg not getting close to the others. Even though Kreacher was miserable and hard to handle he always had a liking towards you. You came over a lot since Harry and you were close.

"Just stay away from him, he bites" they nod going to the kitchen as you take Kreacher upstairs. "So what do we do until they get over here?" Bella asks "We all can rest, we will need it. There's two rooms upstairs so Bella and Edward can share and Ill share with Embry" they nod but Edward couldn't stop staring at you, waiting for your eyes to meet his but they never did. "You coming?" Embry asks halfway up the stairs "I think I'm going to stay down here for alittle I'll be right up" he nods continuing to the room.

Not long after Edward comes back downstairs "Y/n-" "Edward please don't" he shakes his head "Just listen- I know, I know it's complicated right now but I finally know what I want" you eyes meet his "and what's that?" "you" he mutters crashing his lips against yours. It wasn't just a peck this time it was heated and full with lust. He pulled me onto the couch, setting me on his lap but he stops "We can't go further.. I'll hurt you" you understand resuming the kiss when Harry and the others come through the door. Edward quickly pushes you off and you both straighten yourselves out. "Hey, you guys made it" "Yeah with more Horcrux's. We are almost done" Hermione chimes "Which ones do we need now?" "Just the ravenclaw diadem and the snake" Harry adds letting out a sigh of relief "So close to this finally being over"

3 days later
We were back at Hogwarts as the battle was about to go down. We were searching for the last two horcruxs. Ever since your and Edward's kiss you haven't talked about it so you brushed it off. Embry was fully healed so he stuck by your side in his werewolf form. "Y/n!" Edward calls out with Hermione follows. "Did you find the Ravenclaw diadem?" They shake their heads "No but Voldemort didn't come alone.. he came with the Volturi.."

I'm sorry for taking so long to write I'm trying to come up with better ideas and I'm busy with my new stories so I apologize :( I hope you enjoy and I'll try to continue writing faster thank you have a great day!

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