Chapter 5: True Colors

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Embry picks you up and begins to walk out of the school. "What is a pretty girl like you doing around the Cullens anyway?" He asks. "I don't really know what's so bad about them." He laughs "The Cullens don't hang around people unless they know" "Know what?" You try to play dumb. "Oh.. you really don't know." He mutters. "I have no idea what you're talking about.." "Well I'd recommend staying away from them. They aren't who you think." He looks at you. "Maybe I should hear it from them." You say. "We are here." He says and he walks up to a small cabin. "Emily we need help over here!" Seth says panicking. "Who is this and what happened?" She questions as Embry lays you down. You wince "I'm y/n.." you mutter. "Seth bumped into her into the halls and knocked her down." Paul begins "And when he did it opened her stitches up and well.." Jacob finishes. She reaches to pull your shirt off "May I?" She asks and you nod. She quickly takes your shirt off leaving you only in your bra. "Boys privacy?" She snaps and they all leave to the kitchen. "Sorry they can be dogs sometimes." She gives you a soft smile. "So how did this happen?" She begins to softly touch the wound. "Uhm.. I was at a dinner party and well there was a fight and I was collateral damage." You wince as she begins to replace your stitches. "Whoever did these must have been in a hurry." She says. "Y-yeah I suppose" you groan in pain. "Embry come here. Hold her hand." She demands and Embry grabs your hand. "Squeeze it as hard as you like, I have a great pain tolerance" he smiles.

After she finishes fixing you up she provides you with some medicine to help with the pain. "Ouu what's this?" Paul pulls out your wand from the inside of your backpack. "Paul put it back that's not yours." Jacob demands. "Oh come on it's just a stupid little stick. She must've carved into it to make it look so neat." Paul says. "Give it back." You reach for it but he pulls back. "Not going to be that easy, Cullen girl." He teases. You try to go after him but the pain is still unbearable. "I will get it back." Embry says before running after Paul. "He said Cullen girl.. as in THE Cullens?" Emily asks. "Yeah but she doesn't know what they are.." Jacob whispers to Emily. She looks back at you and back to Jacob "It should stay that way. She looks like a sweet girl she shouldn't be involved in things like this." She states. "Yeah well Embry seems to have a thing for her already, we will see if he will be able to stay away from her" Jacob adds.

All of a sudden you hear loud growling and tumbling on the ground outside. You go to the nearest window and see two giant werewolves..

(Embry Call)

(Paul Lahote)

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(Paul Lahote)

(Paul Lahote)

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"W..what is that?" Your heart begins to race and Jacob and Emily come running to you. "Ah crap!" Jacob mutters under his breath. Eventually the werewolves transform back to their human self, which revealed Embry and Paul..

"W-what are they?!" You ask as Embry and Paul come back in. Embry walks over to you handing back your wand. You quickly snatch it and back away from him. "Hey what's wrong?" He questions moving closer to you. "Stupefy" you yell and he and the others fly backwards and you make a run for it. You aren't moving very fast so you have to keep exploding things to distract away from you.

You make it to the middle of the woods , not knowing where you are going. All of a sudden you see fast shadows running past you. "H-hello?" You call out, and Jasper appears in front of you. "Jasper!" You wrap your arms around him and hug him. "What are you doing out here Y/n?!" "I-I was with some people..uhm Embry,Jacob, Seth and some more-" he cuts you off "Wait.. why were you with them?" He asks. "My stitches reopened and they took me to their friend Emily and she helped me but they..they aren't people! They are huge versions of werewolves.. I..I had to get out of there..they know what I am.." he looks at you confused. "What are you talking about, what are you?" "I..I'm a wizard.." you mutter..

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