Chapter 4: Open Wounds

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You finally arrive home and your dress is stained with blood. "I'll meet you at your window." Jasper mutters and you enter inside quietly. "You're h- Oh Y/n what happened!" He softly touches your side. "I'm fine dad! It was just a drink spill please I'm tired I just want to sleep." You push his hands away. "Okay sweetie. Goodnight." He gives you a kiss on your head and you head upstairs where Jasper is already waiting. "Let me change and then we can talk." You whisper.

(Your outfit)

You wince has you try to sit down on your bed

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You wince has you try to sit down on your bed. "You okay?" He tries to help you. "I'm okay. Just a bit sore. Just tell me what happened.." you mutter. "So..Carlisle heard about this absurd tournament with deadly dragons and mermaids so he went to see if he could make any more members to our family." "What do you mean make?" You question. "We are vampires Y/n.." he mutters quickly. Your eyes widen "that's why he didn't want you near me b-because-" "because we can't handle our thirst for blood. We are on a strict animal diet we don't feed on people." He adds. "H-how does Cedric fit into this?" "Carlisle was at the tournament when Cedric or Edward died. Carlisle had bit him before the maze because Alice showed him the future.. and it showed him well.. dead.." he says. "I just wish he could tell his father.. his father is having such a hard time and there's nothing I could do but maybe if Cedric-" he cuts you off "Y/n he can't. It's dangerous that you know that's why you have to keep this s secret, you have to or we could all end up dead." He pleads. You take a second and nod "okay. I won't I-I just wish I could it would make everything so much simpler, but I understand.." you mutter. "Anyways now that I know would you like to stay?" You ask. "I-" before he answers you cut him off "Actually no I need you here. If something happens with my wounds I can't ask my dad for help." "You're right. I'll lay on the floor." He says. "You don't have to my bed can fit two." You pat the space next to you. He chuckles and climbs in bed next to you. You lay your head on his chest. "I really don't know why I trust you so much.." "what do you mean?"he asks. "Ever since that incident happened I have never trusted or gotten close to anyone, but with you it's different." Your eyes begin to get heavy and you begin to drift off to sleep. "For the first time Y/n.. I can actually say I'm happy.." he whispers but you were already asleep.

The next morning you wake up and Jasper's gone. Your father walks in. "Good morning. Breakfast is ready downstairs." He says and walks out. You wince as you try to sit up, you life up your shirt a little bit and it reveals a still fresh deep cut that was still bleeding around it. "It's going to take awhile to heal." Jasper says coming out from the shadows. You quickly pull your shirt down. "How did you do that?" You question. "This morning I heard your father coming upstairs so I quickly got up and hid. We are pretty fast and sneaky so we don't get caught." You smile "ah so you all are very smart." You say slowly getting up. "I should go, I'll see you soon okay?" He says and you nod.

(Your outfit for the day)

You make it down stairs and grab your breakfast

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You make it down stairs and grab your breakfast. "Who were you talking to?" Your father asks. "What do you mean?.." you reply stuffing your mouth with food. "I thought I heard you on the phone." He takes his coffee and his about to leave. "Try to contact Amos again. I'm worried about him." He says before leaving to his muggle job. Both your parents were muggles so it was easy for them to qualify for jobs. "I will father, have a good day at work." You say and begin finishing breakfast. It's a Thursday so you were dreading school.  Your side was in so much pain so you were limping your way to school. You finally make it and the Cullens weren't there. It was a bright sunny day there was no reason for them to miss. You are scanning the hallways looking for the them when someone bumps into you knocking you down. A group of boys surround you.

(Jacob Black)

(Jacob Black)

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(Embry Call)

(Seth Clearwater)

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(Seth Clearwater)

(Seth Clearwater)

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(Paul Lahote)

"Sorry Princess! The little runt Seth over here doesn't seem to know where he's going

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"Sorry Princess! The little runt Seth over here doesn't seem to know where he's going. I'm Embry if you were wondering." Embry says reaching an arm out to you, and you take it. "I wasn't." They all push each other and mess up his hair. You were going to walk away but you felt a sharp pain, your shirt is now covered in blood. "Bloody hell." You whisper and they all turn back to you. "Woah woah I'm so sorry I-I did I do that?!" Seth asks. " happened yesterday actually. I could just really use some help.." you were about to fall but Embry catches you. "Jacob call Sam." He says. "Is Sam y-your doctor?" You question. "No, but he will know how to help." He replies. "I just need a doctor before I bleed out!" You snap. "Woah she's feisty!" Paul says. "She's dying!" Seth snaps. "Just give me my phone I can call my friend." Seth grabs your phone from your bag and hands it to you. You begin typing in Jaspers name. "Wait Jasper Cullen?" Embry asks. "Yeah why?" You begin ringing the phone. "He won't come out at this time of day." Paul adds. "I-" the call goes to voice mail. "Let me guess no answer?" Embry teases. "The Cullens don't come out when it's bright like this" Jacob says. "Come on let's just take her back to Sam's" Paul says. Embry picks you up. "I don't even know you guys!" "You'll be fine trust us. We don't bite" Paul teases. "Speak for yourself." Embry says smiling.

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