Chapter 14: Back To Hogwarts

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After the whole incident with Jasper it was finally time for you to go home. "You ready?" Embry asks and you nod grabbing your bag "I have to get my stuff from the Cullens house" you add "No. I'll do it lets just get you back to Sam's place." He urges and you both head out the door. "I have something I need you to keep safe." You pull out the Basilisk tooth that you had made into a necklace and you hand it to him. "What's this?" He asks "It's a basilisk tooth. We are going to need it on the hunt." He sides it over his head "Right, what exactly is this we are hunting for?" He asks "They are called Horcruxes. It's when an dark wizard spilts his souls into different parts to gain immortality. Once all are destroyed he will only have one life as it should have been all along. Once we destroy them Harry can defeat him." You explain "Well then I can't wait" he gives you a smile. "No you don't understand. You being there puts you in danger, we all are in danger. If it comes down to it and we get caught, you need to run. You're different and they will kill you automatically." "I'm a werewolf Y/n. They aren't going to touch any of us. Now when do we leave?" He asks "Well I have to take the train but you can meet me at Hogwarts by the woods. I would've had them get you a ticket but people would've easily noticed you not being a wizard." "That's fine by me. Leave me something of yours so I can track you." He says "Right you can keep this" you pull your scarf out of your bag. "My hogwarts scarf." He nods and you finally make it to Sams place where everyone surrounds you. "Yo look who it is!" One says "Hoss that bite healing?!" You hear Paul snicker "You guys were right okay? The Cullens are bad news obviously, but I have bigger problems so excuse me." You head to Embrys room and begin to practice spells and enchantments.

It's been about two weeks and then it was finally time for the hunt. You spelled your bag so it could hold many thing with it's size being so small. You packed essentials like spell books, food and water, a tent, clothes for everyone and so on. You arrived on the Platform where you and Embry have to say goodbye. Over the time being you and Embry grew together romantically. "I'll see you soon okay?" He kisses you softly "The train leaves in a few minutes I should-" "Hey Y/n and Embry" you turn around to see Edward and Bella standing on the platform. "What are you doing here?" You ask "I told you I was tagging along." Edward answers "And I told you that it was a bad idea, plus bringing a muggle seriously?" Bella scoffs "I can help" "You're a muggle. No match for a wizard or witch." You add "Like you are any harm. That spell you did at the Cullens seemed rather simple and boring" Bella laughs "Oh really you want to see a fun spell? It's my favorite" you pull out your wand and point it at her "Stup-" Edward steps in front of her "Y/n Stop it!" You says sternly as the trains horn honks once as warning it was about to leave. "Whatever. I have to go be safe Embry. I'll meet you in the Forbidden forest." You give him a kiss on the cheek and run off to the train. Everyone was coming back from break so you brought your old Hogwarts robes just incase. Every cart was full of people who would easily recognize you. You put your hood on and sat next to professor lupin who was fast asleep on the train. Luna and Neville where sitting in the cart with him. "Y-Y/n? Is that you?" Neville asks softly. "Yes.. but you can't let anyone else know I'm only here for the-" "Horcrux Hunt." Lupin cuts you off "Y-you know?" You ask and he chuckles a bit "Of course I know, and don't worry I'll make sure you make it to the others." He answers.

Finally the train comes to a halt "Okay come one Y/n let's get you out of here" Lupin leads you to the carriages where you soon arrive at the castle doors. "Wait I'm waiting for some others. I have to meet them on the forbidden forest" you add. "Well let's get you to the others and you can use Harrys invisibility cloak because if the new headmaster sees you, she will know somethings up."

You quickly reach the room of requirement where you're greeted by the golden trio. "So glad you made it Y/n!" Harry chimes "Listen I don't have to time to explain but there's something I need you to see in the forbidden forest, but you can't say anything to anyone!" "Well let's go then" Ron adds grabbing the cloak and each other you gathering under it.

You make it to the forest where a pair of large eyes appear in the shadows. You throw the cloak off and begin to run towards it "Y/n what are you doi-" Ron calls as a large wolf appears. Embry. Edward and Bella were walking behind him getting closer. "Guys now don't freak out. This is Embry and-" Edwards face appears out of the shadows "C-Cedric?"..

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